Chapter #4 Arlo

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     The beautiful piece of ice melted in my hand. It's cold sensation spreading throughout my arm, and the pain that came afterwards. It diminished, the perfect description of my life. Suddenly, I felt a strong and firm hand bang the table I was sitting at.

I glanced up, "What now?" I asked annoyed.

Altruistic looked back at me, her eyes were full of plans. "I need your help."

I rolled my eyes, "who was it?"

She narrowed her eyes, "Defamatory, he's running around the deserted halls like a maniac, and making a fool of himself." She grinned, "I have a feeling you would do anything to get a photo of him with a shocked face."

I shrugged, "cant deny it." I put both of my elbows on the table, "but I don't really feel like it, besides, you told me you would try to be less serious."

She glared, "we both know that I'm trying, it's not easy being friends with a complete opposite."

I laughed, "same here, I just want you to have a casual conversation with me, Kay?"

"Fine," she grumbled. She sat at the table, and slouched. "What's up?"

I poked her cheek, "nothing really, what about you?"

She sighed, "I have to chase a freaking annoying brat who is currently running around the school as we speak."

"That's pretty sad," I poked her cheek again, "what do you plan?"

She glared at my finger, "I have many plans," she stated. "But my favourite, is the one where I get to shove his evil little face into a wall. Oh, and stop poking me, you know how much I hate it."

I poked her again, "The idea is weird, but makes sense."

      She glared at my finger, "everything I say makes sense," she raised her eyebrow, "besides, if we want to catch Defamatory, then we get to go now."

      I poked her to her dismay, "Fine."

      We both stood up, I chuckled when she growled at me. I loved to tease her, she was out usually saving someone's life, or saving someone's dignity. We didn't get much time as friends, but we tried to meet up as much as possible.

      The dark empty hallways were cold and haunted as always, I only had one thing to fear thing, Defamatory. He was the only one (other than Altruistic) who actually was able to beat me. I tried to keep my distance from over here, only coming when Altruistic came with me, or I should say Seraphina.

       "How was Turf Wars?" Seraphina looked at me with interest, "did Defamatory blow up the opponent again?"

      I nodded, "same as always, I wish you would come, someone has to control him."

      She sighed, "I already have to deal with the three daily, I don't want to miss my day offs." She pointed at the corner near us, "I can tell that Noxious, Nefarious, and someone else was here." She looked around, "make that two people."

       I rolled my eyes, "how are you actually able to know these things?" Seraphina had a keen sense, and was able to tell me where these three troublemakers were.

      "I told you," she replied, "I take my job very seriously!" She walked a little further, "Insidious and Defamatory were here." She tapped her foot on the center of a hallway. "My guess, was that Insidious was getting attacked by Noxious and Nefarious. You know the bad blood Nefarious has with Insidious."

      I grinned, "who could forget?" A year ago, Insidious did something unforgettable, "but it's easier if you call them by their real names.

      She hugged in frustration and flicked her messy bright hair to the side. "Remi and Blyke both beat up a poor kid there," she pointed to the corner we rounded before. "Elaine was probably minding her way, when she saw the duo, and since Blyke is rather observant, he would have noticed her." She pointed to the corner we were at, "and they both decided to attack her. Since she pressed the alert signal for Defama... I mean John, he came running to her aid, and you can guess what happened after that."

I continued to stare at her in surprise, "if you weren't my friend, I think I would actually be scared of you."

She laughed, "well then, you would be pretty smart to fear me." She waved her hand at me, "Come on, no time to waste!"

I then followed her, through the gloomy corridors, until we heard voices.

"That idiot Elaine," someone grumbled, "going off and doing whatever she does, not even thinking about her poor friend who's life is on the line!"

Seraphina chuckled, I began to step forward, wanting to see who it was. But she gently pushed me back, shaking her head.

"I wish I could tell her," the voice continued, "that if she stopped being so b..."

Seraphina pushed me into the hall, and I came face to face with my worst enemy. I swore that I would get revenge on Seraphina, so I turned around. "What the hell..." but she wasn't there.

I could hear footsteps coming from other areas, did she abandon me?

Long seconds passed, and I began to see a look of contempt on Johns face. Shit.

"Abandoned?" He asked, "about time, she is way to good for you. I mean, literally, who wants to be friends with you?" He smiled, "Aren't I right, Unusual?"

I growled, a talk was something I really didn't need. Besides, I'm sure that the more time I spent with this creep, the more ideas he would get.

"Honestly," Defamatory continued, "haven't you noticed already? Nobody cares about you."

Suddenly, Seraphina came up behind him, she made a motion of a phone. I understood, I pulled the phone from my pocket, and went to camera.

She wound both her arms around his neck, still behind him. "Are you sure about that, John?" Her breath fanned his neck.

His expression became highly amusing. His cheeks went pink, his eyes wide with terror, and his mouth gaping. He only said one word. "F*ck."

      I took the photo, grinning ear to ear. "Should we post this online?" I asked Seraphina.

      She nodded, "definitely."

      John looked at both of us, "I hate you." He said honestly.

      Seraphina tightened her hold on his neck. "What did you say?" She asked sweetly.

      "Nothing." He mumbled.

      "Hey Seraphina!" I crossed my arms, "I think Defamatory would love to give you a piggy back ride!"

      John was glaring daggers at me. "What the hell? Are you crazy? As if I would give this b..."

      "I don't really want to spend much time with him," Seraphina interrupted, "but then again, after what just happened, I want to annoy him as much as I can."

      "You aren't actually thinking about it, right!" John asked appalled.

      Seraphina took a moment, and then she swung her legs around his waist. "Should I call you horsy?"

      John groaned, "why is it always me??!!"

      She slapped him on the head, "stop slacking, and get a move on."

     I smiled, it was rare that she ever let herself have any fun, and it was nice to see her act childish for once. "See you later," I told her. I headed off back to the cafeteria. Although she was strong in mind and ability, she was also sensitive. And if John began to bully her, I had no doubts that she would at one point, break.

      "You better treat her well." I whispered to myself, "or I swear, I will kill you."

Thanks for reading! If you have any questions, I will be happy to answer.

Just for the people who haven't realized yet.

John= Defamatory

Seraphina= Altruistic

Blyke= Noxious

Remi= Nefarious

Elaine= Insidious

Arlo= Unusual

Isen= (Secret)

      Thanks again for reading, I'm really grateful!

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