We all walked out of the room and outside, "So whats this about?" Mom asked, I looked around to make sure we weren't being watched, "Shiryu." I said, "Good now were all here." I said, "Why us specifically?" Cinder asked, "Everyone here knows about my soul reaper powers." I said, "I don't trust that Jeremy guy he's up to something I can feel it." I said, "What do you mean?" Eve asked, "I cant say for sure, but I synced something strange while I was in (y/n)'s soul world, it was faint, but defiantly present. There's no one who can hide their blood lust from zanpakuto." Shiryu said, "It was heavily suppressed, but it was still there." She said, "How is that even possible?!" I asked, "Same way you almost killed Kenpachi." She said, "So he has a curse that allows him to tap into the powers of a demon." I said sarcastically, "No he has trained almost as intensely as you have, I'm sure if you actually tried you could effectively suppress your blood lust as well master." She said, "Wait what's that smell?" I asked as I ran out into an alley and found Lucinda standing over a dead body, "So you smelled it to?" She asked, "Yeah and how much did you over hear?" I asked, "Enough to know that your hiding something big, and not to trust you wader." She said, I walked over to the corpse, "By my best guess he's been dead for a few hours now, which means he was killed before the dinner. But what's most insisting is this." She said as she pointed to the gunshot wound to the head, "That's what killed him right." She said, "I feel like there's going to be more." I said, "Smart boy, If he was killed by a gunshot to the side of the head than why was he bleeding from his eyes, nose, and ears?" She asked, "The gunshot was a mercy he was dieing already!" I said, "Exactly your not half bad at this." She said, "What's going on here?" Mom asked, "A murder that's what." I said as I ran away, "Cinder come with me I have a hunch about something!" I  yelled as I got on my bike.

We drove to Beacon tower and went up to the main data center. "Look for anything that could be a virus or something." I said, "I have a sinking feeling that someone wants Beacon to fall again." I said grimly, "And that feeling would be correct, too bad your to late kid." A man in some kind of armor said as he drew some kind of gun. I tackled Cinder and took cover as he fired off several blasts, "What was that for?!" She asked angrily, I looked up from behind the terminal we were hiding behind and almost got shot, "Well shit he's got a pulse rifle. Wait here." I said as I summoned my zanpakuto and left our hiding spot, "Your either really brave, a complete idiot, or both." He said, "How about none of the above!" I said as I flash stepped behind him and kicked him. "Damn you a quick one I'm gonna assume that's you semblance, time to show you mine." He said as he grabbed my wrist and upon him touching me every bone in my wrist shattered, "What did you do!" I yelled, "My semblance is called disturb it allows me to create a sonic field or pulse, if used properly it can be quite lethal." He said, "Let's test that then!" I said, "Go ahead kill me I can guarantee you cant." I said as he punched me in the chest and caused my heart to explode in my chest. "You asked for that kid." he said as he stepped over me, I stabbed him in the leg, "So you didn't hear? I'm immortal and your screwed." I said, "SHIRYU FULL RELEASE!" I yelled as my gauntlets formed. I got up and grabbed him by the color of his armor, "Bye." I said as I made a fist, "BARA!" I yelled as I punched him out a window, "AND DON'T COME BACK!" Y shouted, "Ok let's go tell mom." I said, "No lets wait until after she gets back from the honeymoon." She said calmly, "Ok your right." I said calmly as we entered the elevator.

"So how did it go?" Eve asked, "I almost got shot by an assassin with a pulse rifle, then he killed me, I stabbed him in the leg, and then proceeded to punch him out a window with a highly fast moving blast of energy. So ya pretty average Thursday." I said, "Oh ok then." She said as we walked back inside.

Later the next day I helped make final preparations for the wedding later that afternoon. "How's everything going?" Vanessa asked, "Everything is going great, but are you feeling alright? You don't look so good." I said, "I'll be fine I didn't sleep very well last night is all." She said, "Ok well at least have a seat, I would hate for you to pass out." I said as I pulled up a chair for her. "Thank you (y/n)." She said as she sat down, I got back to work and kept an eye on Vanessa as I worked.

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