Take Your Child to Work Day

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(y/n) POV

Mommy and I were walking through the halls of Beacon, it scared me a bit and a few people stepped on my tail which hurt a lot and almost made me cry.

We finally made it to mommy's classroom she pulled out a seat for me and told me to stay there while she was working. I did as I was told and watched mommy teach her class. It was kinda boring, and for some reason all the girls in the class kept staring at me.

After class mommy sent me with a girl named Pyrrha since her next class was going deep into the Emerald Forest. "Ok (y/n) let's go get some lunch and then I'll take you outside to play for a bit until my next class." she said, I nodded and followed he to the lunch room. The lunch room was huge, Pyrrha and I walked over to a lunch line, I got a fried fish and paid for it with the money mommy had given Pyrrha for my lunch, we then sat down at a table with the rest of team JNPR, team RWBY, and a team called Team FLAR. I never heard of them. I saw a little faunus girl sitting next to Blake Belladonna, and Chris Fall.(A/N: I used my name because I couldn't come up with anything for the name of the reader from Shadows). I looked at the little girl then Blake looked at me and blushed a bit. I waved at Blake and continued to eat my fish.

After lunch I found myself being carried by Blake and hanging out with team RWBY.



Glynda Goodwitch

Nora Valkyrie

Pyrrha Nikos

  Team RWBY

Every girl in beacon

Overprotective Glynda Goodwitch  x Male  abandoned child readerWhere stories live. Discover now