Chaotic Blaze

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(y/n) POV

We made it more than half way up the tower before we broke through a window to a floor that was relatively close to mom's office. "We'll...have to...walk the rest of the way." I said as I tried to catch my breath, "You did your best (y/n) and that's all we can ask of you." Summer said sweetly, "No I needed to do better! If we're too late it will be my fault that Vanessa is dead!" I said as I got up and walked over to the stairs.

We ran up to mom's office it only took us about ten minutes to reach our destination. When we tried to open the door it was locked. Qrow cut down the door and Summer drew her new weapon.

"Where did you get that thing?" I asked, "Well my old scythe was unfortunately destroyed in battle so Qrow helped me make this one

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"Where did you get that thing?" I asked, "Well my old scythe was unfortunately destroyed in battle so Qrow helped me make this one. It's gonna take a while for me to get a handle on using it's sword mode, but I think it'll be fine." Summer said as she switched it from its sword mod to its scythe mode. "Shine bright and pierce the darkness, Shiryu." I said as a scythe formed in my hands. It was vastly different from the scythe I remembered.

"Master, since the last time you wielded me your skills have vastly improved

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"Master, since the last time you wielded me your skills have vastly improved. This new released from is a reflection of your new skills." White Shiryu said in my mind, "Alright let's go save Vanessa." I said as we entered the office.

"Such a lovely view from all the way up here don't you think?" Jeremy asked, "COMPUTER EXECUTE PROTOCOL EPSILON! AUTHORIZATION CODE REAPER!" I yelled, "Authorization code accepted, now activating protocol Epsilon." The computer said, panels in the ceiling opened and turrets filled the space. In total there were about twenty fully automatic turrets all aimed at Jeremy. "And why does your mom have something like this?!" Qrow asked, "Ohh just incase you decided that while she was out that you would take charge of Vale." I said as I walked behind the desk, "Let's have a little talk Jeremy." I said as I roundhouse kicked him over the desk. All the turrets stayed aimed at him, I took a seat behind mom's desk and took hold of the gun she kept hidden underneath the desk, "Take a seat." I said as I dropped my scythe, he took a seat just as I instructed, " Here's what's going to happen, you're going to give me the antidote." I said sternly, "And if I refuse?" He asked, I snapped my fingers and one of the turrets fired off a shot that just barely missed hitting him in the head, "Does that answer your question." I said, "Alright, alright you've made your point, I'll give you the antidote on one condition." He said, "You're in no position to be making demands right now!" I said, "Oh but I am, you see I have what you want and need, and you have my Goddess. You give me Cinder Fall and I'll give you the antidote." He said as he pulled out a syringe filled with the antidote, "That's the antidote?" I asked, "Yes it is and I suggest that you give me what I want." He said, I flash stepped behind him and took the antidote, "Great I just wanted to be sure." I said as I placed the gun against his head and shot him point blank. "I'm sorry you all had to see that." I said in shame, "Umm (y/n) turn around!" Ava said in shock, "What I would think by now we've all seen a dead... body." I said as I turned around and saw a woman sitting on mom's desk.

Overprotective Glynda Goodwitch  x Male  abandoned child readerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora