The party

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(y/n) POV

"(Y/N), EVE HURRY UP OR WE'LL BE LATE!" Vanessa yelled from downstairs. Eve and I ran down the stairs, "hey Vanessa where's my mommy?" I asked, "she already left for the party since the two of you were taking so long to get ready, and Kali is with Sōsuke and won't be back till later tonight." Vanessa said, "now let's get going, I don't want to make Glynda mad because we were late." She said as we walked out to the car. Vanessa and Eve have only been living with us for a little over two weeks, but my mothers seemed to be fine with them even when Vanessa had to touch me for my daily physical, but I could tell that mommy didn't like that I had to have a physical every day before I could do anything. Eve was nice, she liked to spend a lot of time with me, but yesterday she had to go to her dads house and I could tell she didn't want to go.

Flashback yesterday (y/n) POV

"But mum I don't want to go, he's going to hit me again!" Eve cried, "I know sweetie, I don't want to send you to him either, but I don't have a choice." Vanessa said, suddenly there was a loud knock at the door. When Vanessa answered it Silver was standing there. He looked angry, but didn't do anything that alarmed me. "Well is she really to go?" He asked, "no not yet just be patient with her she's just a little girl." Vanessa said, "you think I don't know that! I only get one weekend a month to see her and I have better things to do than sit around waiting for her to get ready to go." He said angrily, "Silver you need to calm down." Vanessa said, suddenly Silver slapped her across the face, "DON'T EVER TRY TO TELL ME WHAT TO DO!" He shouted, I was sitting on the couch, I looked over at Vanessa, who was babysitting me, and saw her on the floor with her hands on her face. I got mad, I looked over at a terrified Eve and my rage grew. I walked over to Silver, "leave them alone." I said sternly, "oh and what are you gonna do to make me kid?" He asked arrogantly, I smirked and decided to instill fear into him. I summoned my zanpakuto, "Shiryu full release." I said and just like before at the castle my sword dissolved into black energy and formed a gauntlet on my right hand and arm. My eyes turned yellow and black. "Eve isn't gonna go anywhere, and she's definitely not going anywhere with you." I said, this made him angry and he tried to punch me, but I caught his fist with my left hand and punched him in the stomach with my right. I held back quite a bit, but the force of my punch was still enough to send him flying back into the street. "AND DON'T COME BACK!" I yelled as he got into his car and drove away. "(y/n) thank you, but you didn't have to do that." Vanessa said, "I know, but I wanted to. He hurt someone I care about, so I hurt him. Plus he scared Eve." I said as I walked away to check on Eve.

"Are you alright Eve?" I asked, she didn't answer, instead she jumped up and kissed me, "thank you so much (y/n)." She said as she blushed.

End flashback (y/n) POV

Ever since then things between Vanessa and I felt less like the relationship between nurse and patient, but that of an adoptive mother and her adopted son. And Eve has been looking at me differently ever since she kissed me. "Hey Vanessa has Silver always been that mean?" I asked, "what brought that up (y/n)?" Vanessa asked as she drove down the street, "well I was just thinking about yesterday and I was just curious is all." I said, "no Silver wasn't always like how he is now. He and I were good friends back when we were little. When he was older he married a woman named Lucy, they ended up having a son, my stepson, Grey. Two years later Lucy got pregnant again, but she was murdered before she could have the baby. Years later Silver and I got married and had Eve. He was still dealing with Lucy's death and took it out on Eve. I eventually divorced him and got custody of Eve. And about a month after the divorce we met you and discovered that Silver had remarried and is now married to woman named Scarlet Winters. She has a daughter named Amber Winters. She's absolutely horrible to Eve and her mother gives her whatever she wants and spoils her." She said as we pulled into Beacon's parking lot. "I just realized something. If we're in your car and mama took mommy's car then how did mommy get her?" I said curiously, "simple sweetheart I flew here." Mommy said from outside. She was dressed in her costume.

Overprotective Glynda Goodwitch  x Male  abandoned child readerWhere stories live. Discover now