The Final Battle part 3

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Last time (y/n) POV

The soul reapers and I were taking on Aizen, but we were losing ground fast, "Interesting, Ulquiorra seems to be showing more emotion than usual. It seems Eve has gotten to him somehow." Aizen said I looked over at where Eve was fighting and saw Ulquiorra had his tail around her neck, suddenly he shot a black cero through her, "EVE!" I shouted, "Ulquiorra! I'm going to make you pay for that! YOU'LL PAY WITH YOUR PATHETIC LIFE!" I said angrily as tears streamed down my face, suddenly Aizen stabbed me in the back.

Now (y/n) POV

"You should've known better to turn your back to me. And now you will die sad and alone." Aizen said, "Give her back." I said, "GIVE HER BACK RIGHT NOW!" I cried, "Shiryu...Full Release." I said as my spiritual pressure exploded around me and a full suit of armor encased me.

" I said as my spiritual pressure exploded around me and a full suit of armor encased me

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"(y/n), honey calm down." Rangiku said as I backhanded Aizen, "I'll be back for you." I said coldly as I flash stepped over to Ulquiorra, "Uryu make yourself useful and take Eve to Orihime or let Nel do it and get the hell out of my way. I don't care which at this point!" I said as Ulquiorra grabbed my helmet and tried to throw me, "Wait your turn, I'll kill you in a minute." I said coldly as I grabbed his arm and tore it off, "(Y/N) THAT WON'T WORK! HE HAS HIGH-SPEED REGENERATION!" Uryu shouted, "I know. I'm just instilling as much fear into him as possible, think of it like basting a turkey, and do you know what I'm going to do to this fear turkey?" I said, "I...I'm lost." He said, "Well let me make it very simple and I'll use small words so you can understand. I'm going to kill it, I will eviscerate him so completely that if he would regenerate he will be nothing more than a fragment of his former self begging for a death that will never come because that is the living hell I will personally create for him." I said, "What happened to you?!" He said, "He murdered the one person I was living for...I've got nothing to lose and that means I'm not gonna hold back anymore." I said, "Don't you have two daughters?!" He said, "Not if I die here." I said as I walked over to Ulquiorra and pointed my finger at the center of his chest, "Cero...Oscuras." I said as I shot him, "I'm going to kill you with your moves, not mine, not my father's, yours." I said as I put my hands together and began to gather energy before extending it into a dark blue lance, "Lanza del Relámpago." I said before it took a more solid shape, "Eve wasn't kidding when she said I was stronger than my father. I learned how to do this one Saturday afternoon when I was bored and Eve was out with Blair and Juliet. What took you a lifetime to learn and master took me fifteen minutes and a feat of boredom to learn, master, and perfect." I said as I cut his arms off, "How are you this strong?" Ulquiorra said as he regenerated his arms, "Simple, I've always been strong, I've only gotten stronger because of my friends and loved ones. I honestly thought I hit my cap a while back, but I'm glad to see I was wrong." I said as I destroyed my lance causing it to explode.

Glynda POV

Vanessa, Cinder, and I were fighting Harribel when there was an explosion from where Eve was fighting, "My baby girl!" Vanessa said, "No the one fighting Ulquiorra before was nowhere near the explosion. The one who caused it was (y/n) Kurosaki." Harribel said, "M...My baby caused that?" I said in shock, "You cannot sense spiritual pressure can you?" She asked, "No we can't." Cinder said, "Well then allow me to tell you this, the girl named Eve was critically injured to the point of near-death, and now (y/n) believes he has nothing to lose if he were to die. So he is using the full extent of his power to show us that he is stronger than all those who stand before him. But at this rate, he's going to die and soon." Harribel said, "WHY?! WHY WILL MY SON DIE?!" I said, "Because at this rate he will lose the will to live and allow Ulquiorra to kill him. As a result lord, Aizen will kill all the opposition and take this world as his own." She said, "Why are you telling us this?!" Vanessa asked as she comforted me, "Because, I believe that (y/n) would be a far better leader than Lord Aizen. I can also see his potential and I want to witness it once he unlocks it." Harribel said, "Then help us!" I said, "Now why would I do that? You have all proven that you are all weak." Harribel said, "Because if (y/n) dies then nothing will stop his father from slaughtering you, but more importantly I will kill you." Uryu said, "So you will help us and tell me why you're really interested in (y/n)." He said. "You drive a hard bargain, Quincy." Harribel said.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 09, 2022 ⏰

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