Chapter 11

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"Dare." I smirked. 

"I dare you to...go into the attic." 

I nodded and walked up the stairs, "Umm...Y/N you shouldn't go up there." Ri said nervously. 

"Why?" I stop and ask her. 

"Um...nevermind." Ri changes her mind. I look at her weirdly and continue walking. 

Some pastas were following me, wondering what was in the attic. I soon reach the attic. 

I open the door and look around. There was nothing to be afraid of. I shrugged and went to go back downstairs when I realized the door was closed.

I try opening the door. 


My heart starts racing, why wasn't the door opening.


I heard a cackle of manic laughter behind me. I turn around. There was a doll like figure sitting on a chair in the middle of the attic. 

My blood ran cold, it wasn't there before. The doll was one a wooden doll from the olden - times.

 It's head tilted. 

'Nope, Nope, Nope.' I kick the door down and rush downstairs. 

"So..." Ri said awkwardly. 

"Yeah." I replied.  I look at the time. 

"Time to sleep." I tell them. 

Ri smiles and goes to sleep, I notice she's cuddling...a jar of cookies. I sigh and get into my sleeping bag.

Soon, everyone was asleep.

 I hear a window open. I sit up, there were no window's nearby as we were in a pillow fort. 

I saw the moonlight shining on the floor. My eye's trails up to be met with an open window with a small creature on the ledge. 

It beckoned me to come. I come closer. 

"Hi! Wanna play a game?" It says, "What type of game?" I say suspicious. 

"Juggling with knives." The moonlight shines on his face. It was Mr. Widemouth.

 I back up, "Y/N! Y/N!" I hear a familiar voice. 

I wake up, "Huh?" The pastas were looking at me, 

"Are you okay?" I shake my head, 

"I shouldn't of let you go into the attic. It causes you to have nightmares." Ri sighs. 

"Welp! Do you want to go to a amusement park?" Ri asks me cheerful again. I nod. 

"Oh and can we go killing?" I ask her. She nods. "Let's go!" 

Hai My Gems! Sorry for the short chapter. I was wondering if you would like me to do a chapter for Y/N's, Ri's and Psy's theme songs. <3 Oh and thanks for 2k reads!

THE MASKED SINGER (b.drowned x reader)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant