39 ~ A Fading Scent

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"Who was that boy in your apartment with you?"


Mr. and Mrs. Wang's heads shot to your direction, glares evident on their faces.

You just had to act natural, if you looked shaken by what the little girl said, everyone would think something suspicious was going on.

Which was true, but they didn't need to know that.

They were probably thinking that you were cheating on Jackson, which was not the case.

You weren't even dating Jackson in the first place, so you weren't cheating.

But they probably wouldn't fair well with that answer either.

"Oh that was Jimin, he's y/n's best friend" Jackson answered and you could see Jackson's parents relax.

He wasn't lying, Jimin was in fact your best friend. It was just an added extra that you could call him your boyfriend.

Also the late night cuddled and the fact that you could kiss him was also a bonus.

The best bonus imaginable.

As if Yuqi didn't stir up enough tension, the little girl decided to speak again.

"Jackson was so sad after we visited you then" she said innocently.

"Oh really?" You asked while wiping pasta sauce off Jackson's chin with a chuckle.

"Yeah I think he didn't want to leave you there alone with that boy" she giggled.

"Jackson knows that Jimin is harmless" you smile at him and he begins to nod.

"Of course he is, I know him well" Jackson smiles.

"So we have nothing to worry about?" Mrs. Wang asked, her eyebrows raised and you immediately shook your head.

You hate lying.

Things started to quiet down and people were ready to go home. Jackson's parents paid for the meal and you of course thanked them for it.

"Well it was a pleasure to meet you" Mr. Wang smiled.

"It was nice to meet you both too" you smile.

Jackson walked with Yuqi to his parents car to bid goodbye to them and you were left with his brother, sister-in-law and niece.

You sighed a breath of relief.

"That was good y/n, I almost forgot you weren't actually dating my brother" Lucas sniggered.

"Thank you" you chuckled.

"I think they like you, they weren't as nice to me when I first met them, they hated me" Eunji pouted.

"That's probably because I was described as the perfect girlfriend to them. If I was to tell the real story I would have to say that my parents are a touchy subject, I don't want to be a nurse, I actually have no clue what I want to be and that Jimin is my Boyfriend and Jackson is not" you explain.

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