32 ~ Welcome To Hell

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"Will you be my Girlfriend?"

Your mind went blank.

It took you a few moments to reply.

"W-What?" You stutter.

"Look I know it sounds strange-"

"Strange isn't the word Jackson! I was thinking more like crazy or insane! That still doesn't justify how nuts you sound right now" You exclaim as you begin to direct him out of your apartment.

"Please let me explain my situation-"

"No! I'm not cheating on Jimin!" You raise your voice.

"No, no, y/n let me explain!" You huff and death glare him.

"As you know my brother and his family are here and they want to spend a little while with me and my parents want to come too and I may have told my parents that I'm in a relationship-" he begins to explain.

"Jackson you're family won't all fit in your apartment and just say that you broke-up with the girl you were dating" you point out.

"Yeah I know y/n, they are staying in a hotel, we will just be spending time together. And as for my fake-relationship, I need to be in the relationship otherwise they will go and look for someone for me" he clarifies and you roll your eyes. "Y/n, just don't tell him! He doesn't have to know!" Your eyes widen in disgust.

"Oh so now you want me to lie to Jimin too! What the hell has gotten into you Jackson"

You try to usher him out but he wouldn't leave.

"Listen y/n, please" Jackson starts "it's not a real relationship, at all, I just need to convince my parents that I'm with someone. I won't do anything intimate, I promise. The most contact we will have is I will put my arm around you. You don't need to do anything in return, just be respectful to family and then they will accept you and won't go looking for someone else for me" he tries to explain, but your mind is running on a hamster wheel at the moment.

You sigh. "Jackson, I don't know"

"Please y/n. If you are worried about Jimin, let me talk to him! I'll convince him" he tries to persuade. You wanted to cry and snuggle in his sheets on the bed all over again. But you were trying to toughen up.

You had to toughen up.

"You won't be able to talk to him, Jackson-" you start.

"I know he's not going to be easy to convince but please I'll do anything!" He pleads.

"Jackson he's not here, you can't contact him! He's gone ok?" You blurt our from frustration, not thinking about the consequences. Jackson's eyebrows knit in confusion.

"What do mean he's not here? Did you break up?" You sit down at put your head in your hands. Choking back your tears, you look up at him.

"No Jackson we didn't brake up, he's just gone for a trip let's just say. But he is coming back" you said. You really wish Jackson would just leave alone because you really couldn't deal with this right now.

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