15 ~ Patience

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This is another shorter than usual chapter, I'm sorry!!



"And who might you be?" A deep male voice questioned.

Seriously? Just as you got your chance with Jimin? Are you actually kidding??

Jimin's head turned and his eyes grew wide.

You turned to find a middle aged man looking at the both of you with an intense glare.

You looked at Jimin, presuming that he would respond, but he never did. You then decided to take the initiative and speak up.

"I'm y/n"

"Hello y/n"

"Hello" you smiled awkwardly, not understanding what was going on.

"So what are you doing with my son?" He spoke.

Your heart stopped.


No wonder Jimin wasn't talking to him, you mentally facepalmed.

You then realized how some of their features looked alike.

"S-son. You're Jimin's d-dad" you coughed.

"That's right sweetheart" he grinned and you could see Jimin tense up and squeeze your hand. "What's wrong son? Are you not going to speak up?" He said while walking up the steps to the platform.

"Look, I know your mad, but it's not her fault. Don't blame her for this" Jimin said in a protective manner. He pulled you behind him and he stood in front of you, almost like a shield.

"Well from what I could hear, two people said I love you in your little chat. If it was just you that said it son, I wouldn't be mad. But she did, even though I think she knows your situation with Alex. Am I correct?" He said edging closer to Jimin.

"Yeah but I love her. I don't love Alex and I never will love her. This girl-" he said while pulling you beside him, wrapping his arm along your side. "She has made me the happiest I have been in years" you could see he was getting more and more angry.

"I think it's time for you to leave young lady, before Alex comes and you ruin everything" he said while gradually walking closer.

"So let Alex come, let her see that I don't want to be with her and that I want to be with y/n. You know what, let the whole world come and see how much I love her" Jimin pressed.

"You don't love her, you're just using her to get out of this deal so you can sleep with loads of girls like you did back in your old high school" you felt your head droop but you never let go of Jimin. You held on tight to him. But he noticed your change in emotion.

He sighed. "Yes I know I used to be like that dad but that was until I met y/n. She changed me, She taught me how to love someone. That's something you will never understand because you only married mom for the money. You don't love her."

His father then back handed him. His cheek was marked red and you could tell that it stung.

Jimin's facial expression never changed. He just stood there while you immediately turned to him and caressed his cheek trying to stop the pain. When he saw you, his face softened.

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