30 ~ Lover Boy

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A/N: this is just a filler chapter so it will probably be really boring...




Are you alright?" Hoseok asks.

"Next time he touches land, it will be in China" You say quietly and everyone just sits back and thinks about what you just said.

A short time after Jimins plane left you all sat there and pondered about how it didn't seem real. He was actually gone.

All the thoughts and discussions you had over Jimin leaving actually came to reality. It wasn't just a bad dream. Throughout the past week you thought about him staying with you until he leaves. But you never thought about what happens after he goes. You have to go home. Alone. With no Chim Chim by your side.

"We should probably head home" Jin says quietly. You all nod in agreement.

You were making your way out to the car park when the thought blinked in your mind about Jimin's car.

"What will we do about his car?" You said with a raspy voice due to crying.

"I will bring it to his house for him, don't worry. But you should probably go in the other car incase Mr. Park might see you" Hoseok suggests. You nod in agreement, you really don't need any other problems right now.

"We will go with him, just so that the car isn't crowded" Jungkook states with Taehyung nodding along to his voice.

You told the three of them where Jimin parked the car. All of them gave you a small hug and a little wave before they left to find the car. You silently walked along side Yoongi, knowing that he wouldn't talk to you because he understood that you would rather not talk right now and he respected that.

After arriving at Namjoon's car, you got in and the three boys talked amongst themselves. They made you sit in the front like gentlemen even though you declined that request.

They insisted.

So you sat in the seat facing towards the door window, watching the small droplets gather on the window. You left your hand where you usually put it, expecting Jimins hand to grab hold of yours, you were expecting him there. You had to stop expecting. He wasn't there. And you had to stop thing he would be. You retracted your hand. Nothing felt real. Your hands had been numb from the moment he passed through the departure doors and the still haven't regained their normal feeling. You could hear the boys muffled voices, but you were too focused on your on thoughts to think about what they were actually saying.

"Y/n?" You managed to hear Jin say. You turned your head to face him showing that he has gained your attention.

"I just want to let you know on all of our behalf's that we are always here when you need anything. And I really mean anything. Even if you're too lazy to make the dinner, I'll come over and make it or if you're just lonely we will rush over to you until you feel better" You nearly started crying again. What did you do to deserve them. You don't even deserve Jimin even if he would beg to differ about that. But you got Jimin and now you get a group of amazing friends too. If you told this to past y/n she would've cherished even the thought of it happening but then realize that it wouldn't happen and push away the thought.

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