33 ~ Unwanted Visitors

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Just by the way, for the next few chapters it will switch between y/n and Jimin during the chapter just so that you get what both of them are doing ;)




"Welcome to hell" the man said, before closing the door and leaving Jimin alone in his dull room with the thought of one particular Muffin in his head.

You never know how much you love someone until they're gone.

Jimin's eyes wandered around his dull room. He had never felt so lonely before in his entire life. Along with that he felt bored. He looked around his room, trying to get used to the bland four walls he would be seeing for awhile.

As his eyes were wandering, they landed on his bag. He thought of calling you and his mom, but those guys probably took his phone while they were bringing Jimin to his room. He checked anyways just incase they didn't. He opened up his bag and started removing things from it but was met with no phone.

That only made him want to call you even more.

He sat on the floor in disarray. A few tears escaped his eyes that you adored so much.

He was breaking down.

He kept telling himself that it is the hardest at the start, that it would get better as time passed. But Jimin knew damn well that as time went on it would only get worse, he would just be able to cope with it better.



As if life couldn't suck enough at this point, you have a friend/classmate/co-worker/neighbor asking you to be in a fake relationship with him when you are already depressed about your current relationship.

That's just great.

You want to help Jackson, he's in a tough situation at the moment, but the thought of being with someone that isn't Jimin doesn't make sense.

It wouldn't be fair to Jimin, he doesn't deserve that.

But Jackson doesn't deserve to be stuck in this situation either.

You have been lying on the couch for the past three hours staring at the ceiling. Your head is like a dog watching a tennis match, your head is constantly back and forth between the two sides.

You sigh and shake your head. You just needed to forget about that all for now.

You grabbed your phone and started looking through your photos, mostly looking at pictures of you and Jimin yet again for the twelfth time in the past twenty-four hours.

He's just too darn cute.

The time read as 11:36 pm and considering you had school and work tomorrow, you thought it would probably be a good idea to go to bed.

Everything in you knew you wouldn't sleep, that you would stay up most of the night crying. And unfortunately, you were right.

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