Here ya go wingwoman, he said causing you to almost punch.

I'm not your wingwoman Kevin, you said and the attention fell on you.

Well now... she talks Joe, Jason said causing Kevin to get curious.

Yeah she talks.. Hey... Hey Rose you playing shy now?, Kevin said laughing.

Rose?... Jason her name is Rose, Joe said as you turned around to find them all looking at you.

What's going on here!? Like what did I miss?, Kevin asked very clueless.

Little Miss Sunshine here was being rude in the break room after we introduced ourselves and she just walked away, Jason said.

I said hey so I felt that was enough, you said with a smile.

Oh I like you, Jason said with a smirk.

Joe stood there shaking his head and turned his attention back to Kevin.

So... Speed Dating dude?... Really? I think we can just go to a bar man, Joe said to Kevin.

It's called trying new things man and besides you two can pick up chicks anywhere but me.. I need a little push, Kevin said.

But she's your Wingwoman though, Jason said a bit confused.

She a goodluck charm guys so don't piss her off please, Kevin said lowly.

Rose.... my name is Rose... and I'm out of tea, you said causing them to stop their conversation as you stood up and walked off.

Once you returned and sat down, Kevin looked at you.

Yes Kevin?, you said giving him the que to talk.

Jason and Joe like legit like you, he said laughing.

Why?, you asked.

Dude! Every girl here likes them and every guy wants to be them but you're a meanie and they liked that, Kevin explained but you didn't care about that. So tonight you wing me woman and I'll dance at your wedding, he added and turned away.

Uugghhh... Fine Kevin just keep those 2 away from me and I'll get you laid before the night is over, you said and you two shook hands on the wager.

Later that night

Ok dude.. 1. THANK YOU!! and 2. Let's have a good time doing this because I know you don't want to do it but thanks again, Kevin said as he helped you into the cab.

It's fine man just keep the twins away from me, you said reassuring him. You got this... be the eagle, you added trying to pump him up.

10 minutes and a smelly car ride later you guys made it to a pretty blue building that was decorated with rose bushes and other pretty flower beds.

We're here lovely friend, Kevin announced a bit nervous.

Shake those nerves away man and let's find you love tonight!,you half yelled causing him to laugh some.

See! There's my Rosey Posey, he a bit excitedly.

No Rosey Posey dude... come on now, you said as he gestured his apologies.

You two headed in and saw that half your office was there annnd those 2 guys from accounting were there as well.

Hey there's Joe and Jason, Kevin announced as if you hadn't already spotted them out. Let's go speak.., he added but you cut him off.

Remember Kevin... away.. them... me... no, you said and he remembered.

Oook well you work your magic and I'll do that there for ya, he said and you two went your separate ways.

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