Seth & Roman

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Ok you two... Watch my dog while I'm gone, you said to your two bestfriends.

Ok Darcie, Colby said.

No no no Smoke is a lot of trouble so you have to watch him, you stressed to them.

Goooo go go go go Darc before you miss your flight, Joe said as he shoved you into your Uber.

You were traveling back home to Texas for your parents 30th wedding anniversary and you knew you couldn't bring Smoke with you. He was your very first pet rescue adoption and you loved him to death. Joe and Colby would come over from time to time to bathe him and help get him some exercise but it gets to be a hand full.

By the end of the night you got a text from Joe.

Joe: Ok..... I woke up on couch to a noise and saw this

Me: 😍😍 #SmokeDog

Joe: Lol your dog is weird

Me: And so are you 😋

You put your phone down to help your mom put all the food up before you headed back to your hotel room. Once done with that, you got in your rental car and headed back when you got another text from Joe.

Joe: Put that tongue up young lady

Me: Nope 😋

Joe: ok I'll bite it ☺

Me: 👻

Joe: Oh no where'd you go???!!!

Me: lol really

Joe: Sooooo... 👀

Me: soooo 👀

Joe: Can I get a kiss when you get back home?

You looked at the message and a flashback from 3 months ago came to you. You and Joe shared a heated kiss one night he slept over and it made you hot just thinking about it.

Me: No you can't

Joe: 😢 why not?

Me: it'll be weird

Joe: I won't make it weird 😣

Me: I don't know.... What if Colby finds out?

Joe: 🙃 just one kiss...

Me: Fine

You sat there texting Joe a bit when you got a text from Colby.

Colby: 🤔

Me: Yes love?

Colby: so Joe gets a kiss but not me?

Me: 😒 Colby

Colby: Darc 😒

Me: it's just a kiss

Colby: well I want one too... But

Me: but what?

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