"Great." Zayn says before he stands up and walks inside again. I do the same.

The rest of the day goes by pretty quickly. We rehearse and preform. Once again we put a little extra Larry in the concert and the fans seem to love it. As do I

[Next day, morning]

We are eating breakfast as Zayn comes into the room and announces "Well, Liam, Niall and I have plans today, which means we have to head off now."

"Oh ok. Yay, then we get to spent the day together Hazza." Louis says and I smile at that. At least he wants to spend the day with me.

The 3 other boys take off, so it's just me and Louis left behind. "So whatta you wanna do t'day Hazza?" Louis yawns as he speaks and I can't help but find it adorable. "Hm, we could go to the park? Have like a picnic?" I say, fearing that Louis might not like the idea.

"Oooh sure, that sounds fun. Can I bring a football?" He says excitedly. Well, guess I was wrong.

"Sure," I chuckle. "I'll pack food if you pack some activities?"

"Deal." He says loudly as he runs to the other end of the bus. I chuckle. It's like having a kid.

We ask our driver if he can give us a lift to the park, and he can so we get in the car with our packed bags. He gets us to a gigantic park, and I stare in amazement at the green lawn filled with benches, trees and kids playing around.

I look at Louis and see he has the same expression on his face as me. We get out of the car, me carrying a basket and Louis carrying a football, a frisbee and a blanket. We don't say anything since we're too busy looking at our surroundings.

I'm first to break the silence, as I manage to say "Wow it's..."

"Yeah." Louis simply answers, and we spend some more time just looking around not saying anything.

Louis seems to find a good spot, and lays out our blanket on the ground before he takes off his shoes and sits down. I do that as well. We spend hours talking and mostly laughing. There is no awkward moments between Louis and I, and that is what I love about our friendship. And I wouldn't want to be the one to ruin that by admitting my feelings towards him. I can already imagine him saying that we can't be friends anymore if I confess my love for him as more than a friend.

Louis interrupts my thinking as he whines "I'm hungry Hazza! Can't we eat now? My stomach is gonna fall off soon."

I chuckle and say "That's impossible so I'm not worried." before I open up the basket revealing the baked goods inside.

Louis' mouth drops open, and he is basically drooling over the basket. I chuckle before I say "You know, I used to be a baker."

He looks at me with a knowing look.

"It looks so good," I mumble a thanks but he continues "And you were a cashier so chill down princess."

I laugh and take out the food, so we start eating. I almost die of laughter though, when Louis spills the beer he is drinking over himself, wetting his shirt. He groans, and I must admit he looks very hot all wet and irritated.

"Well, this is ruined now." He says, and before I manage to say something he takes off his shirt, revealing his naked stomach. My eyes bulge out of my head, and my mouth drops open. I could have gotten a heart attack man! Oh god he is handsome. Louis notices my staring because he simply says "Yes Harold, I have been working out more recently, thank you very much."

I still can't get words out of my mouth, and I sink deeply before I finally am able to remove my eyes from his torso.

"And now I'm cold, great. Can't we play some football then?" He asks excitedly.

"Sure." I chuckle

We stand up and start playing, although I can't really focus because of his half-naked body. It is in fact perfect. He* is in fact perfect. And the way he plays football, ugh he is so good. He looks so professional.

Suddenly his slightly noticeable six-pack hypnotizes me, and I completely forget the football, which Louis doesn't notice so he shoots the ball towards me. I don't see it coming, which results in the ball hitting me in the nuts.

I fall on my knees, holding my crotch in pain. I try my hardest to not scream. God, he kicked hard at that ball.

It seems as if Louis doesn't know wether he should laugh or be worried, so he combines the two. He laughs as he run towards me to check if I'm dead yet. It certainly feels like it.

He get on his knees in front of me so we are face to face.

"You okay Haz?" He chuckles and I grumble under my breath "Oh you're gonna pay for this Tomlinson."

"What did you sa-" I cut him of as I tackle him to the ground, me landing on top of him once again.

"Oh no I've been attacked by the almighty Hazza, god help me!" Louis fakes the fact that he is scared, which is very obvious. He holds his hands in front of his face so I can't see him laughing, but trying to make it seem like they are there for defense.

"Prepare for you death." I say, once again under my breath, before I take his hands and sit on them. I then start tickling the crap out of him, and he dies of laughter. Louis is very, very ticklish, so that only comes to my advantage.

I continue tickling him for a good 5 minutes until I think he has had enough. Which is probably good because he is practically dying of laughter and it seems like he cannot breath. I stay sitting on his stomach, him lying in the grass.

"Finally." He yells, completely out of breath "I thought I was gonna die for real there."

I chuckle, and start staring into his eyes. He stares back, and we continue for a couple of minutes before he says "Are you going to get off of me Haz? I can't breath anymore."

"Oh sorry." I mumble under my breath, slightly embarrassed as I get off of him.

We sit down again and talk some more before we decide it is time to go home. First because we have been here for hours, but also because Louis is getting cold again from not wearing a shirt.

We call our driver, and he comes to pick us up and drive us back to the tour-bus.

"I have had a great day Haz." Louis smiles at me and I smile back. "Me too." I answer genuinely, looking him into the eyes.

Even though I want to be more than best friends I have had a fantastic day with my Louis. Or not 'my' Louis. Just Louis in general. Although I kinda want him to be 'my' Louis. But that could never-

Ugh Harry stop thinking so much about this!


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