Gee THANKS Jackson :(

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Sorry, I just had to get that out of my system. I'm so angry. You know The Hobbit Fan Fellowship Contest? Well, I've been waiting for it to open FOREVER - since the Battle of the Five Armies trailer came out! Today on Facebook they announced it was open!!! I was so happy. Until I read the rules. YOU HAVE TO BE 18+!!! What the ash nazg?! I'm sure most fans are 13-17. *falls to knees* WHY, PETER JACKSON, WHY?!

*takes a deep breath* Okay ... I'm calm. But it's so annoying. Hopefully I'm going to visit friends in New Zealand next year, so I can MAYBE go on a Hobbiton tour. MAYBE. MAAAAAYYYYYBBBBBEEEEEEE. But for now I will remain angry.

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