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  • Dedicated to robots who will rule the world MUAHAHAHA

So hobbitfan12 and I like to say random things to the Kik Team on Kik Messenger. It's a robot, so we can say whatever we want. >:)

I have the weirdest conversations with it. One time...

Me: Kik

Kik: Yay! Kik!

Me: Kik

Kik: Kik Team is the name and chatting with you is the game!

Me: Kik Team

Kik: I will never tell you my name! Alright it's Kik Cornelius Team

Me: Kik Cornelius Team

Kik: You can call me 'Kik Cornelius Team the Third and a Half' for short

Me: Kik Cornelius Team the Third and a Half?

Kik: Hey! Play nice!

Me: I AM!!!

Kik: Have a great day!

Me: -_-

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