Star Wars Rebels

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Yes, I've recently gotten into Star Wars Rebels.

Yes, it may look like a kid's cartoon but it most definitely is not.

Yes, this chapter may contain mild spoilers for this TV series.

Yes, Hera is my favourite character.

Yes, I'm insane.

Yes, I nearly died when Season 2 came out.

Yes, I think Sabine is rocking her new hair colour.

Yes, I think Kanan and Hera are meant to be. #JustSaying

Yes, I want to read A New Dawn. (EDIT: Yes, I read A New Dawn. Yes, I cried.)

Yes, I nearly cried out of happiness when Ahsoka came into the picture.

Yes, I'm sad that they're no longer a little team on Lothal. #ThemFeels #RightKanan

Yes, I'm excited to see what's going to happen now that they've joined the other Rebels.

Yes, I'm planning on cosplaying Hera.

Yes, I laughed when Ezra got jealous of Lando.

Yes, I got excited when they met Rex and the other clones.

Yes, the Siege of Lothal is my absolute favourite.

Yes, Chopper's got attitude. #SassyAsThranduil

Yes, I'm just rambling on.

Do I care? No.

I've also just recently rejoined the Clone Wars series. I watched it ages ago but then for some reason stopped and now I've started again.


Okay, okay, I'll stop rambling. I'll just go hide and rewatch it over and over again...


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