You Look Beautiful

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• Excuse the Mistakes •

I was so inspired when I can across a beautiful video on YouTube today. If you guys haven't seen "You Look Disgusting" by Em Ford (AKA My Pale Skin), I HIGHLY recommend you watch it, especially for those of you who struggle with acne like myself.

I'm going to start off by saying that nobody is perfect. We all have our flaws. One of my major flaws is my acne. I hate it. I want to free every inch of my face from it. Watching this video was really inspiring. It's so strange how people say "Be yourself!" and "Everyone is beautiful!" but then get on social media and completely ruin someone's life.

Yeah, I've had people stare at me when I walk around with no makeup on. I've had people come up to me and say stuff like "Woah, you got a lot of acne! Don't you take skin products?". Umm ... how am I supposed to respond to that? Helloooooo? Do you think I am unaware that I've got acne? Heck, it even hurts for crying out loud.

For goodness sake, please don't point out someone's flaws, okay? Please don't make them feel like absolute crap. Every woman has the right to be comfortable and feel beautiful in their skin. Even if you're joking when you point it out, just know that the person you says that to may go home and sit in front of the mirror for hours, just feeling ugly and hated for something that isn't even their fault. Believe me, I've been there.

Seriously, I can't tell you how many times I've tried my best to avoid looking in the mirror. And when I do look in the mirror I don't see myself. I don't see the real me. I see oily skin, acne and scars from my acne. UGH, I just want to rip my skin off! I freaking hate it!

It's affected many things I've wanted to do. I don't wear makeup to dance, but I do to every other place I go. When I meet new friends, I instantly wonder if my acne is the first thing they see.

I sometimes like to make jokes about it to make myself feel better about it. One time when one of my "friends" with perfect skin complained about one little blemish they got. I was in a fun mood, so I said something like "I think I win this round" and I pointed to my face. She literally looked at me and said "Yeah, I can see you've got a problem there" with a grin. She would make other remarks like that and a few of the others would laugh. She knew I hated my skin.

Makeup either makes me feel beautiful and happy or it makes me feel fake and sad. I hate makeup, I really do. That's why I don't wear it to dance. It makes me feel sticky and it annoys me. But it also makes me feel confident.

I'm learning to love myself. Thanks to my wonderful faith in Jesus, I'm getting through it. When I see videos like these it reminds me that I'm not alone. It's really amazing.

I was reading some of the comments on this video and I was really disgusted by the way some people were acting. Here are some of the YouTube comments that I was most surprised about.

"Have you heard of ... not giving a ****?"
Have you heard of ... being judged and called ugly for something you can control everywhere you turn?

"She's not even beautiful with makeup."
Thanks for flushing every bit of self confidence she had down the toilet. Now, allow me to flush you.

"You asked for their opinion! What did you expect? To lie to you about what they are actually thinking? Then they'd be bunch of liars! You sure have got a problem, but to bring that up to public and ask for their pity, like you're the only one who has something dreadful to deal with, that's just unacceptable. You wanted to be judged so that you could judge them back. And extending your judgment to the whole society, I'd say you're pretty opinionated yourself and that you've got a bigger issue than your acne!"
Um, EXCUSE ME?! When did she EVER "ask for their opinion"? When did she EVER "ask for their pity"? I think you need to get your facts straight, my friend. I follow her on social media and she never did ANY of those things. I love seeing her skin updates and how her skin is improving. It's inspiring. Even if she DID say something self pitiful like "I hate my skin ... woe is me", it doesn't mean people have to comment something! They don't have to comment anything at all! Go away and come back when you've learnt to GROW UP.

"Damn, that thing is nasty."
The meme in the media section is for you, my friend.

"The makeup is causing your face to look like ****, no sun hitting natural skin, causing pale skin and all that oil blocking pores causing pimples and acne. Typical stupid women."
I am actually laughing right now. You are so ridiculously stupid that I'm laughing. Number one, there is a thing called HORMONAL ACNE. DUH. Makeup doesn't make it worse, genius, periods, hormones and puberty does. Secondly, you are obviously a guy judging by your YouTube name and guys have acne too, so I wouldn't go around saying "Typical stupid women", okay?
Thirdly, you think you're smart but you are DEFINITELY NOT. My skin is naturally pale and it's not because of makeup. I don't tan, I burn. Also, with hormonal acne, our skin is naturally oily. Makeup doesn't cause that, Einstein.
Fourthly, you make it sound like every woman's "natural skin" is beautiful and young and acne-free. You make it sound like makeup causes acne. NO ONE IS PERFECT. If you want a woman who's skinny, has clear skin, etc, THEN GO MARRY BARBIE.

"This is just a typical 'Oh so sad ... look at me" video. My problem is why can't a guy wear makeup too? My face is a shocker!"
Look, I'm sorry you've got acne. Believe me, I know how it feels. But you obviously know how it feels too, so don't hate on her! Em is doing an amazing job! And guys CAN wear makeup. Don't you watch Ricky Dillon? :P

And those are just six of the many terrible comments I saw on YouTube. Shocking, absolutely shocking.

If you've got acne, let me tell you something: I know how you feel. Even though it's hard when people are constantly pointing out our flaws, we can learn to love ourselves. I'm learning to do so through my faith and you may do so through something else. :)

I just wanted to tell you this...




And I know that I've only seen a few of you in photos or face-to-face, but you guys are just such BEAUTIFUL people! You are the most beautiful people I've ever met. The people who have been rude to me about my acne? Yeah, they may be pretty, but sometimes they're terrible on the inside and that really just makes everything about them sour.
But those amazing people who love you for you have TRUE beauty. I know it sounds like something straight out of a Barbie movie, but it's true.

Sure, I may not have seen you guys in person, but your friendship is more than I could ever ask for. You ARE beautiful, and don't let ANYONE (even yourself) tell you any different.

#YouLookDigusting? Nope. #YouLookBeautiful.

And don't you forget it. <3

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