Chapter 28: Liar, Liar, Pants On Fire

Start from the beginning

"Are you sure you don't need anything?"

"Nope, I'm perfectly fine. You go hang out with Dante and I'll see you at the house." She nods in agreement before intertwining her hand with Dante and leading him over to his table.

I look back to my table, the teacher continues to yell at Cole. Cole just keeps brushing it off like he didn't do it.

I sighed in annoyance.

This is going to be a long night.


The weekend was very, very boring. It consisted of me doing homework and studying for three quizzes that I have on Monday, while everyone else was going out and doing something fun.

Mason was going out with Cole, Brady, and all the other football buddies, while Ollie and Ryan were hanging out at The Junkyard most likely playing games all day.

Lina was out with Dante, when is she not. Jace and Jade were no where to be found. They were probably doing something on their own.

Eli and I have been texting back and forth throughout the weekend as well. I kept asking when Andrew will be back, and he said that he hasn't come home yet.

Now, it's Monday, and Andrew has been gone for almost three days. That's a long time if you're used to seeing him every day. His sarcastic demeanor, and the annoyed look he gets whenever I say something he doesn't agree with. That usually happens all the time.

The look on his face when you know he is in deep thought. That's a pretty common look.

Well, I guess we have some things in common, because I tend to think a lot too.

Today, Monday, was an awful day. All my classes in the morning before lunch all had quizzes that I had to study for during the weekend. But, at least I'm glad that I'm done for the day.

It was the hardest thing to try and study with me constantly checking my phone to see if Andrew or even Eli texted to make sure that Andrew was home. But there was nothing.

Eli texted me after the dance and told me he was going to stay at the Price house so that he will be there when Andrew gets home. He wants to make sure his best friend is home safe, and so do I.

But Andrew was right, why do I care? We're not even friends. We're like...frenemies. All we do is complain about one another and find out secrets about each other. That's not what a friend does.

But regardless of Andrew's absence, I tried to make it throughout the day without thinking about him. It's now lunchtime and I was making my way to my usual lunch table, until Ian stopped me.

I haven't talked to Ian since we last spoke to each other, which was the time I bumped into him in the hallway. The time Andrew started to date Shelby.

Stop it, Lia. Don't bring him up. Not now.

"Hey 'New Girl." Ian speaks first. I silently hoped he wouldn't recognize me, because I'm kind of a head case right now. Everything that I think about just slowly drifts off to Andrew.

And I hate it.

"I thought we were past that." I rolled my eyes jokingly, and he laughs before re-adjusting the glasses on his face.

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