My vision was starting to get blurry and then he dropped me. I took in several deep breaths attempting to refill my lungs but with each breath a searing pain filled my chest from the bruises on my ribs making me cry.

"Evan!" Ian said and took a step forward before.

"Ah ah ah" the man sang holding up a finger. "I kill her remember"

I looked up at the man. And very quietly I whispered "Prison" I honestly would be surprised if anyone heard me. He looked down just as I lifted my hand and made a grass ball form around him. Ian ran towards me and just before he reached me. The man broke through not surprising it was just grass. Several layers of grass but still just grass.

"Damn it" the man whispered. I looked around to see that we were now surrounded by several werewolves I'm assuming all loyal to Ian.

"No where to go" Ian said now standing right above me.

The man started to run but that's when I blacked out.

Ian's P.O.V:

Micheal, Tom, Jace and a few others ran after the vampire while I ran to Evan.

"Evan?" She didn't move. "Evan are you okay?" still nothing. I was afraid to touch her I don't know how much damage he did to her. But from what I can tell a lot considering she blacked out. And believe me I'm going to kill that bastard.

"Is she okay?" Bell asked sitting next to her. She started to reach for Evans shoulder.

"Don't" I said through clenched teeth. I looked at Bell "Don't touch her."

"Calm down would you. I can help" Bell said. placing a hand on Evan's shoulder. She mumbled some words and a gold light started to travel around Evan. Suddenly Evan shot up. Almost hitting me in the head.

"Evan!" I said pulling her into a hug.

"Ian" She whispered.

"I thought I lost you." I said. pulling her closer.

"I'm okay" Evan said pushing me a little. I let her go but I kept one hand on her waist. "Bell!" Evan said getting out of my grasp.

Bell was laying on the ground panting slightly.

"Bell are you okay?" Evan asked wincing slightly and holding her side.

"yeah I'm good I haven't used that spell in a while sorry I didn't heal you completely" Bell said sitting up.

"No it's okay thank you" Evan said then proceeded to looked around. "King!" She said getting up and with my help we walked over to King. Evan dropped to her knees. "King are you okay?" Evan asked on the brink of tears.

The cat meowed. But he sounded in pain.

"I can't believe you did that to save me." Evan said.

The cat responded honestly it's weird only hearing one side of a conversation but I can't help that.

"We'll get you help. Ian we need to get King to a vet." Evan said a few tears spilling from her eyes. "Now!"

"Okay. Let's go." I said picking up the cat carefully. I walked carefully making sure Evan was with me she refused to go inside until she knew King was okay. Stupid cat but he did save my mate...Of course I was also walking slow to make sure I didn't hurt the cat...I guess.

We made it to a human vet since we only have doctors for um well werewolves. It took forever but King had to get a few stitches on his stomach and face. He had some of his ear torn but they couldn't do anything about that as well as a cast since he fractured his leg. All in all this cat was expensive.

"Why was it so damn expensive for a cat." I grunted.

"This cat fought a vampire until you could get there so he saved my life! If you insist on being a jerk to King I can and will move out!" Evan exclaimed.

"You would choose a cat over me!" I said surprised.

"Not a cat, King, my familiar and me and King are a package deal you want one of us you get both of us. As well as Bellanie and when she finds her familiar." Evan huffed.

"I hope Bellanie doesn't get something as useless as a cat." I said.

"King isn't useless he saved me when you couldn't so leave him alone!" Evan said voice raising.

She was right though he did save her. "You're right I'm sorry."

"Apologize to King not me." Evan said crossing her arms.

"I'm not apologizing to a cat." I growled.

"Do it." Evan said. I couldn't see her since I was driving but I could feel her glare.

"Why do you even call him King. I'm King you should be calling me King." I said.

"Because he's saved me a lot and me and him agreed on that name. And you're not a king you're an alpha." Evan said.

"Well actually since I have the largest and most powerful pack I am King." I stated.

"Then why does everyone call you Alpha?"

"Because I want them to."

"Well I want to call my familiar King so there."

Finally we make it back and Evan finally agrees to go to the doctor.

"So what do you think Doctor?" Evan asked after a couple tests.

"Well you have a few shallow scrapes and a couple small bruises but other than that you're as healthy as any other witch? I don't know I'll just stop talking."

Evan laughed. "Thank you Doctor."

"Yes thank you." I said picking Evan up cradling her between my arms and walking home.

"You know the Doc said I'm good." Evan said breaking the silence.

"I'm aware. I was there remember." I said glancing down at her.

Evan laughed. Man I love her laugh. "I mean so I don't need you to carry me I can walk." Evan said lightly hitting my chest.

"I want to carry you."

"You always say that. Why do you want to carry me all the time?"

"Because I love you and want to be by you all the time. I don't want you to ever leave me and considering today's events it seems I need to keep you closer than normal and-" I paused I stopped walking. Why'd I say that! I probably freaked her out! I looked down to see her staring at me wide eyed.

"Ian did you just say me?" She looks so cute when she flustered.

"No I said I love you not loved. Love." I said starting to walk again.


"You don't have to say it back just know that I love you Evan." I said interrupting her.

"Thank you. But I want to." I looked at her. "I love you Ian." Evan said smiling.

My heart stopped. She said it back! I couldn't help the smile from spreading on my face. Evan's eyes held a sparkle in them.

As soon as we got inside. I pushed Evan up against the door trapping her.

"Ian?" I silenced her by placing my lips on hers. It was a soft kiss. I deepened it. I felt her hands grab my shirt. I placed a hand on her cheek and the other on her waist. And then her stomach growled. I pulled away looking at her. Her face was red. "I'm sorry I guess I'm hungry" Evan said laughing nervously.

I chuckled. I love it when she's nervous, scratch that I love her no matter what. "I guess we better get you food then."

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