Chapter 11: Astrokinesis

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Hi! I'm back! I would like to thank SophShips, KeefePowers, and LolaP1 for their supportive comments! Thank you everyone, for voting and staying with me, even though the story isn't finished, you guys are awesome! Just reading your comments brightens my day! Now for our next guest, Biana Vacker!

*Biana walkes out from behind the curtain*

Biana: Thank you for inviting me to whatever this is!

Me: Hi, Biana, my name's CC! Before we start, I just want to say, I love your hair!

*Bianas's hair is braided in a long, sweeping braid and decorated with jewels and small flower blossoms*

Biana: Thank you, CC! Took me forever, but I think it turned out rather nice!

Me: That is the understatement of the year, it's gorgeous!

*Biana blushes*

Me: So, I understand you've know about Fitz's crush on Sophie for awhile.

Biana: Yes, being his younger sister and a vanisher, I know more than he thinks I know. I sneaked in when he was filling out his match packet and his answers were adorable! He's had a crush on Sophie for the longest time and he keeps waiting for her to figure it out. He forgets that Sophie is the Queen of Adorable Obliviousness, though. She's also had a crush on him, but keeps telling herself it's nothing!

*Biana lets out an exasperated sigh*

Me: I understand, all the Sofitz fans have been waiting forever! It's driving us crazy! Now to the next question, What's it like being a vanisher?

Biana: Well, it does make being a little sister much more amusing, and it's fun scaring everyone by sneaking behind them and appearing suddenly, and I was able to visit Sophie when she was in Elwin's care at Foxfire, after the shadowflux incident.

Me: That makes me want to be a vanisher, think of all the chaos I could cause! *changes to a singsong voice* I know you had a crush on Keefe.

Biana: *blushes* What?

Me: Don't deny it! We both know it's true! Why?

Biana: He was nice, fun and always made me laugh.

*I raise my eyebrow*

Biana: *blushes then quiet* He's also very cute.

Me: From what I've seen though, you've gotten over it.

Biana: *confidently* Yup!

Me: *I raise my eyebrow* Now. What's this about Tam?

*Biana hides her face in her hands*

Biana: *voice muffled* Are you a telepath?

Me: *to you guys* Well I think that's all the embarrassment poor Biana can take for now, so onto the next chapter!

Chapter 11

"You're sure you want to do this?" Mr. Forkle asked again, as he reach for Sophie's temples.

"Yes." Sophie replied, even though, secretly, she still had her doubts.

Okay then.

Sophie closed her eyes as a rush of energy flooded her mind with tingles. She sucked in her breath as the tingles invaded each part of her mind.

Then it was done. Mr. Forkle slumped down onto the floor. He was breathing heavily. Sophie opened her eyes and peered at the faces of her friends and family.

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