Chapter 9: Mystery Girl

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Hello! I'm back with another chapter! Today out special guest issssssssssss. . . THE MYSTERY GIRL!

Me: So, what is your name? Mine's CC.

?????: ?????????

Me: Oh you only speak question marks! How's this: ???? ?? ???? ?????

?????: ?????????

Me: *to you guys* This might be hard for you to understand, so go ahead and read the chapter. It's from the mystery girl's POV.

Chapter 9

She walked quickly down the hallway, her long black cloak swishing around her legs. Her eyes darted back and forth as if looking for a way to escape. This wasn't the first time she had ever been called to the office, but she sensed something was different this time. She was tall, with ice blue eyes and long, wavy, black hair. Her hair was carefully styled into long side bangs that concealed half of her face. Her black fitted tunic swished as she walked, and tall black boots made soft clacking sounds on the hard cold floor.

As she rounded the corner and faced the door, she hesitated before grabbing the doorknob. What would happen if she just left? Just walked away? She inhaled deeply and attempted to calm her nerves before opening the door.

The room was pitch black, and the air was cold. So cold it was sharp and it hurt to breathe.

"I'm glad you're finally here. I assume you took your precious time?" A feminine voice sneered, "As if you weren't already such a disappointment."

"If you hadn't build your office so far from the rest of the facility, maybe people could actually get here on time." She crossed her arms and shifted her weight.

"You got spunk, girl. I can admire that. But it doesn't change the fact that you're a defective freak."

"And yet here I am, top of my class, your best agent." She said, smirking smugly, "Way better than my pathetic little brother, before he crawled back to the Black Swan. Like those weirdos could help him." She scoffed.

"I'm done with you and your problems. You get to chose one last assignment to prove yourself, or you're out for good." The voice was stone cold, "And after that prank you pulled last week it better be good."

Out? I didn't think she would actually . . . Where would I go? That's if "out" means leave and not be secretly murdered. She shook the thoughts from her head.

"No love lost between mother and daughter I see." She said confidently.

"Be back by tomorrow, with your assignment and how it will help the Neverseen."

"Sure," She replied with a smirk, "I'll be back with an assignment, and it'll be better then anything you could come up with."

She snapped her fingers and a glowing fireball appeared in her palm. Light flashed around the room, illuminating the perfect face of Lady Gisela.

"Do not disappoint me, Raven." The fire cast strange flickering shadows on both of their faces, "Your life depends on it."

Keefe has a sister? Whaaaaaat? Isn't that cool! Thanks for reading.

Raven: Ahhhh! that's better. I can't believe you had me talking in question marks!

Me: Well, I couldn't spoil the story!

Raven: How did you do it?

Me: Well I am the most powerful elf in the Lost Cities. *I quickly change the subject* How long have you been in the Neverseen?

Raven: Ever since I can remember. Gisela has been training me ever since I was little.

Me: You don't call her 'Mom'?

Me: *coldly* She's never been a mother to me.

Me: You're a pyrokinetic?

Raven: Yup, and a few other things as well.

Me: Is Raven your real name?

Raven: No.

Me: Will you tell us your real name?

Raven: No.

Me: Sooooo, Keefe is your younger brother?

Raven: Yup, or half-brother technically. *she smirks* And whatever he tells you, my hair is still the best.

Me: So he knows about you?

Raven: No. He knew me, but he didn't know I was his older sister.

Me: So I can hail Keefe and tell him he has a sister?

Raven: No. Not unless you want to 'accidentally' disappear. Do you ever run out of questions?

Me: *happily* Nope!

Raven: *pulls out a pathfinder* Well I'm out of here.

*Raven leaps away*

Me: Bye everyone! Be back soon!

Me: Bye everyone! Be back soon!

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