Chapter 5: Trapped!

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Hi! I'm back! Above me is the beautiful Vacker Family portrait. Della, Alden, Alvar, Biana, And Fitz! Now, on that note, FITZ AND DELLA WERE CAPTURED BY THE NEVERSEEN!!! *running around and freaking out* This chapter is going to be Fitz's POV, starting from the time the Neverseen appeared.

Chapter 5

As Fitz walked through Everglens beautiful property, he thought about Sophie and what her Umatchable meant for them.

I have absolutely no intention of abandoning her. I love her no matter what, but I'm was worried that being a bad match will hurt her somehow. It doesn't really matter what it will do to me. I can take it, no problems. But knowing Sophie, being Unmatchable is probably why she's locked herself in her room. How can I tell her that I don't care what the matchmakers say? He thought.

I could get her crush cuffs, or ask her out. Fitz really wanted to ask her out, but he didn't want to put pressure on her.

She was so kind and thoughtful. She was modest but determined, and always tried to do what was right. Her beautiful blond hair was soft and bouncy, her eyes hypnotized you, pulling you in with the gold flecks that sparkled like tiny star specks.

Fitz was so lost in thought, he didn't notice as he slowly walked from the immaculately groomed grounds, to the more wild edges of Everglens property.

As he pushed through to wild, tangled brambles into a small clearing, the last thing he saw before he collapsed, were three black cloaked figures standing just outside the tree line.


Fitz felt groggy.

As he opened his eyes, he noticed it was dark. Very dark. He blinked, letting his vision clear and noticed he was in a small stone cell. It was damp and cold and there was very little room to move. The whole cell was about the size of a small broom closet. There was no windows and no doors, just solid stone.

It was very quiet and the only thing he could hear was the steady drip drip drip of water on stone.

All of a sudden, he heard a muffled thud and a shriek.

"Fitz! Fitz! Are you there?" The voice came from the right side of his cell.

As Fitz listened to the call, he recognized his mother's voice.

"Mom! Is that you?" He called out, the sound echoing as it bounced off the stone.

"Fitz! Fitz, honey, are you all right?" His mother called back.

"I'm fine Mom! How did you get here?"

"I saw them about to light leap away with you, so I tried to vanish, but their Psionipath caught me in a force field." Della paused for a breath, "I tried using one of Dex's gadgets but it didn't work and they released more knockout gas before I could do anything else. Next thing I knew they threw me in here."

Relieved that his mother was fine, Fitz turned worriedly to their current predicament. No doors, no windows, and no way out.

"What does your cell look like, Mom?" He called out.

"Very bland. No doors or windows, and made of solid stone. It's damp and cold and the wet floor is soiling my dress."


Three hours later, and still no escape plan. After awhile of talking with Della, one of the Neverseen yelled at them to be quiet or else, which left Fitz to think of a plan on his own. So far he'd had no luck.

Then he heard a scream. It was loud and bloodcurdling, a shriek of pure pain. Then it was cut off and he heard a loud thud.

His heart beating fast, Fitz called out, "Mom!"

Thankfully, he heard a reply, "Yes?"

As pulse calmed, he realized the thud had been on the other side, not the cell Della was in.

There's someone else in here with us!

Mwaaaahaaaaahaaaaa! Who is the mystery prisoner? You'll just have to wait and see! Thank you for reading, please comment and like!

If you haven't taken a quiz to see which character from KOTLC you are, here is the web address to one (I haven't figured out how to put a link, sorry)-

I got Biana, but all my friends were sure I would get Keefe. Here is the tidbit for this chapter-

 Here is the tidbit for this chapter-

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