Chapter 16: Astrokinesis Lesson, Part 1

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Hello! I'm back with another chapter! I would like to that all my wonderful readers, you are AMAZING!!! I want to announce that we have reached 1.1 THOUSAND Reads!🥳*freaking out and running around in circles* THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH!😁😊😘 I want to give a shoutout to EpicTurtle116, Brackendra4ever, LolaP1, and Ssaasshhaa for voting, and vette_g456 and Didzi111 for adding it to their reading lists. I would also like to give a big thank you to SofitzLover19 for following me! Now for the next chapter!

Chapter 16

Sophie licked open her locker, gagging as she tasted something awful. Elwin must've picked the flavor today.

It had been three weeks since the raid on Exile and Sophie's life was starting to fall back into it's normal routine.

She grabbed her books from her locker, and hurried off thought the red halls of the level five wing to her next session, her first Astrokinesis lesson in Foxfire, with Lady Althea.

She stopped in the door and peered in the room. The walls, floor, and ceiling were all made of some sort of shiny, sliver material.

"Come on in." Lady Althea called.

She was standing in the middle of the floor, wearing a dark purple dress and a gold cloak.

Sophie walked across the floor, the soles of her shoes making hollow tap tap tap sounds.

"What is this stuff?" Sophie asked.

"This is what's going to keep us from electrocuting each other." She replied with a smile, "It's a special kind of very rare metal called galvanium. The dwarves let us use it when we made this room."

"I thought metal conducted electricity?" Sophie replied with a confused frown.

"Most metals, but the dwarves mine and prepare galvanium specially. Unfortunately, the process is long and extremely tedious."

Lady Althea clapped her hands briskly, "We should probably get on with the lesson."

"First," Lady Althea started, "I want you to try to make a strong, but controlled, bolt. Try to hit here."

She pointed to a small black mark that marred the silver floor.

Sophie concentrated, focusing her whole mind on this one thing. She braced herself, then let out a bolt. It was very stong, but it didn't hit anywhere near the mark on the floor.

"You have a lot of power, but not enough precision." Lady Althea mused, "It takes most prodigies many months, if not years to reach the level of power you have."

She unclasped her gold cloak.

"Try hitting this."

"But if I hit it, your cloak will be destroyed." Sophie replied.

When she had been studying with Lady Galvin, who had been her Alchemy mentor, she had accidentally destroyed her cape and she'd thrown a fit.

"I'll survive." Lady Althea replied, sounding amused.

Sophie focused, focusing on hitting the cloak. Her brow furrowed, and she emptied her mind of everything except her one task. She let out a bolt, shutting her eyes to the bright flash.

She peaked open her eyes. She hadn't managed to hit anywhere near the gold cloak.

"Hmm." Lady Althea frowned, brushing her dark hair out of her face, "I was told you have other abilities, which ones?"

"I'm a telepath, inflictor, teleporter, and polyglot." Sophie wasn't sure if she should tell Lady Althea about being an enhancer.

"That would explain things. Natural, otherwise known as elemental abilities, don't often mix well with mental abilities. Natural abilities are based more on instinct and gut reactions. You're concentrating too hard, thinking too much. You have to follow your instinct. I think I know what might help."

She picked up her cape and clasped it around her neck. She reached into a pocket and fished out a blue pathfinder. Lady Althea smiled at Sophie's wide eyes.

"I have my ways."

Raising the pathfinder, she grabbed Sophie's hand. Together, they were whisked away into the soft golden light.

Short chapter, I know. But that's why it says part 1. You will get a part 2 really soon! What do you think of Lady Althea? Thanks for reading! You are incredible!



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