Chapter 8: Exile

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We're back! A great big thank you to KeefePowers for following! We've reached over a hundred views! Oh my gods! That is amazing! Thank you everyone so much! Now! For our special guest!

*Grady walkes out from behind the curtain, cutting me off*

Me: I wasn't finished.

Grady: Oops! I thought you had finished. Sorry.

*I complain under my breath*

Grady: *slightly worried* CC, Why are you blue?

Me: Yes! Why don't you ask Keefe!

Grady:*sighs* I should have know it had something to do with That Boy.

*I straighten my tunic trying to keep some sort dignity*

Me: Yes, so, Keefe hinted he did something to my shampoo. So when I took a shower, I very carefully poured some out into my hand and it was fine. How was I supposed to know he replaced my soap with skin dye!

Grady: That's unfortunate.

*I glare and raise my eyebrow*

Grady: Okaaaaaaaay?

*I go back to the interview*

Me: *with a sly smile* So, Grady, What do you think about Sophie choosing Fitz?

Grady: I think I would like to lock them each up in separate rooms at different ends of the earth. But I know they would just talk telepathically. I love Sophie, more then she knows, and I want her to make the right decision. Although, I'll admit, I'm rather glad it wasn't Keefe.

Me: Don't you feel a just little bit sad for Keefe? He was rejected by his crush!

Grady: No.

*I raise my eyebrow*

Grady: Fine, yes, I do feel a little bit sorry for Keefe, but That Boy will just need to get over it. Somewhere out there is the perfect girl for him. *goes back into over protective parent mode* But it's not my Sophie.

Me: What do you think of Sophie and Fitz going on a date?

Grady: No. Absolutely not. Not until she turns three hundred.

Me: Are you suuuuuuuuuuure? All of the Sofitz fan would really love it!

Grady: Sofitz? You know what, never mind, I don't want to know. Maybe, if Sandor went with them.

Me: You do realize that if Sandor goes with them, Sophie is probably going to die of embarrassment, right?

Grady: She'll survive.

Me: Wow, who knew you could be so cold. *to you guys* Unfortunately, it's time for you to move onto the next chapter, so bye for now!

Chapter 8

Sophie stared in shock at the scene before her. Tam was lying in a cot, unconscious, Linh crying while Wylie hugged her.

Mr. Forkle had found Tam while everyone was distracted with Sophie's telepathic conversation with Fitz. He ran back huffing and puffing and altered everyone, who then leaped Tam to Elwin's. Both Livvy and Elwin had been working all night.

Tam had several bad burns, and was very beat up. At the moment, the physicians had Tam sedated.

It came as a shock, and Sophie didn't know what to think. Linh definitely took it the hardest, she hadn't left her twin's side since they found him. Naturally, Wylie was there with her. Biana walked over and gave Linh a big hug as well. Biana had tears glistening on her cheeks and her eyes were puffy and red.

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