still learning still living

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Hoseok closes the door behind him, letting Sarah and Ceyla in. They enter the quiet house, Ceyla giving the two a nod before finding her mother.

She finds Serenity leaning on the kitchen counter tiredly, work laying in front of her in heaps of papers and books as she stays quiet- jazz music playing in the background. Ceyla walks into her view, switching off the music which captures her mother's attention.

Just as she's about to question her daughter with a baffled expression, Ceyla talks first. "We went to visit uncle Jimin's grave today and his parents were there." She refers to her, Sarah and Hoseok. "They told me to give this to you."

Ceyla leaves the room, a shy yet morose smile on her face.

Serenity's hands hold a box and when she looks inside, she sighs.

Dear Serenity, it's Jimin...

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