Chapter 39

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Dream's prov:
Me and Flare are still running down the strip mine. Notch no. They split off! We take the middle one and make sure to not split off. We run faster. I stop abruptly and Flare bumps into me. Theres a huge hole...
"Hello!!" It echos.
"Anyone there!?" Nothing back.
"Oh god. Who do you think fell?"
"I dont know! Everyone?? Maybe or else the others would be here!" I take a torch from the wall and i throw it down the hole. Oh no. Its deep. I look at Flare.
"What now!?" All of a sudden i here a faint splash. I look back down the hole.
"We heard water... Im guessing we do." I sigh.
"3. 2. 1. Jump!" We both jump and start falling. I close my eyes. I hope there was more water than one or two blocks! Please let there be more water than one or two blocks! Please! I finally land in a fairly deep pond? Lake? I dont know but its deep. I swim as fast as i can to the top.
I make it to the top losing 2 hearts. Not too bad. I eat a bit to regen my hearts back.
"Dream, you okay?" I swim over to the shore where Flare was.
"Yeah. Just glad it was more than a one or two block water source."
"I agree. Now where would the other be?"
"I dont know, Flare. But we should find them quick. We dont have torches to light the way and we dont know how long it will take to get to the top to get outta here."
"Your right. Lets get moving." We walk and each hold one torch from the torches we had. Which was only about 4 or 5 considering we dont need to the torches usually, only to light the inside of a temporary shelter and outside of it.
"Its soo full of minerals..." I look around and see a ton of iron, lapis, gold, coal, and redstone.
"Yeah... But if the team went through here wouldnt they have taken the coal? Or at least the coal at the beginning of the cave?"
"They would. Or should have unless their pickaxes broke."
"This is wierd... Extrememly wierd."
"Hello!" Nothing...,"Love? Flank? Rage? Blite? Fox? Hypno? Daz?" Nothing... I look at Flare.
"This must be serious..."
"I hope not too serious." We both start running straight ahead. Oh Notch. This cant be good i hope they are okay!

Nell's prov:
Okay so nothing new. I checked out the area where Seto saw the wierd ora by the wall. Nothing suspicious... I wonder what the ora was from... Seto i know is patrolling one of the areas on the ground. In the middle of the town. But...
"GRRRR!!!!" This is so frustrating!!!! I cant figure out what Fame is hiding! I cant think straight with everything happening!!!! My mind isnt focused when i need it to focus!!!! What is it with this time!!!!!!? I sit down on the wall angrily. I dont know what to do! A arrow lands about 2 blocks away from me. I look up and see Blue waving her hands. I get up and pick up the arrow i see a note on it. I look at it and then at Blue shes i think shaking her head yes. I take the note and put the arrow in my inventory.
It reads:
You okay? I saw you sit down all of a sudden.
I take the my quill out and write:
Yeah. Just frustrated.
I take out my bow and the arrow and i launch it to Blue. Which she then launches back to me a few minutes later.
Aww. Wish i could help. And is it because of the whole Fame hiding something?
I write:
Yeah. I cant figure it out. I dont want anyone to get hurt and i cant seem to think straigh or stay focused :/
I send the note on the arrow to Blue.
I look around its always peaceful. No excitement, no need to even patrol! The arrow this time lands next to me.
It reads:
Dont stress yourself too much. It will make you sick!
I write:
I know but it is frustrating more than what i usually get frustrated over things.
I send it back and i look into the desert. There's a temple there. But you know, i dont see why it wouldnt be raided by now. I mean its close to a town. People probably already took the loot... Scidoodles. I smile. Mitch always says loot-scidoodles when he finds loot. The arrow lands near me and it reads:
Stop stressing about it. Thats not a suggestion. >:( you will find out what Fame is hiding. Dont worry. Again thats not a suggestion either.
I put the note away and look at Blue. She has her hands at her hips. Yupp shes serious. I raise my arms up like im shrugging and i make the usual turn and wave of hand that means fine, at the most i have no choice anyway that the guys and girls know very well. I continue to look around this boring, safe to the very corners town. I wonder what the team is doing? Running possibly... They do go far from what Fame says.

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