The Healer... Chapter 9

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Disappearance's prov:

DREAM!!! She fell and now her eyes are closed!! Lets see im going to hack her what ever its called to see her health! Lets see i know how to hack it so lets changed the words here and then lets see... SHE GOING TO BE OKAY!!!! Her health would have been done if it werent for the group of minecraftians! Dream's health is extremely low! But she wont die! Thank goodness!

Dream's prov:

"Your new here so let me tell you this you cant defeat my army and i wont let you!" What?

"What do you mean?"

"I mean you have to stay away from endermen! Some have betrayed me and i know you can talk to endermen."

"WHAT!!!" H-how did he know! I look at my arm. Its fine??!! What!!?

"I know you can talk to endermen dont act stupid girl!"

"YOU SAID WHAT!!!" You dont call me stupid and get away with it!

"I said dont act stupid are you deaf!"

I look in my inventory. Nothing! WHAT THE NOTCH!!!

"You idiot girl your in a dream and im warning you! Stay away from Disappearance! He is a traitor and if you get involved with being friends with him... Your done for!"

"H-how do you know Disappearance??"

Who is this guy! Hes the same from my other dream! Glowing white eyes!

"None of your business."

"Well then! Who are you!?"

"Your worst nightmare!!"

Disappearance's prov:

Dream is in the healers house and i cant believe that the healer(a guy) hasnt come up with any type of potion to help Dream!!!

Love's prov:

The girl! Shes going to be okay! She has to be!! She is in the healers care! But he hasnt come out to tell us whats going on!! The group is all in shock of how the healer has taken so long to give us news! The girl seemed unprepared to be ambushed! The group got there just in time or the girl would have been done for! Im pacing around i cant stop, the group does the same we dont know what to do but something is wrong on this server. The mobs are insanely stronger. And they appear like randomly... Only in armies and they seem to be looking for someone... It cant be the girl 'cause she seems harmless and defenseless... Oh i hope shes okay!

"Love?" I shake my head Rage has broken my thoughts.

"Yes, Rage?" The yougest of the group but one of the strongest.

"Is she going to be okay?"

"Yes she is. Shes in the healers care."

"But the healer is taking longer than ever! She cant be okay. Face it Love." Stupid Flank... The deppressing one in the group but one of the smartest. Saddly...

"Flank! Shes going to be okay! Stop being deppressing on every situation for once!"

"Not gonna happen Love~" 'Smart' just cause i go by Love, Flank does it in a flirty way... How stupid!

"Rage dont worry shes going to be okay. Dont listen to failure guy over there!"

"HEY!! I heard that!"

"No dur Flank! Thats the point!"

Rage, and the rest of the group: Flare, Daz, Hypno, Blake, Blite, and Fox, all laugh. Yeah im the only girl in the group, rare but still. Im the main smart one. And i also am on the group mostly because i lighten the mood a little bit all the time and i encourage the team. Or else i wouldnt be on the team...

Healer's prov:

I cant find anything to help!!! GOD NOTCH!!!! I cant believe it!!! Nothing!! The girl, the protector team brought in was poisoned with a poison i cant define!!! Im the healer my name is Healer!!!! AND I CANT FIND A ANTEDOTE!!!! Shes breathing slowly and her health doesnt seem to change! I have searched through every book of healing!!!! Unless!!!!

"YES!!! Thats it!!!" I shall mix every healing potion there is and see if it will help the girl! I will also need to get something to help her arm 'cause no potion can heal a cut... I walk outside and Love(the leader of the Protection Team of the town here) looks up and runs over to me.

"Healer!!! How is the girl!!! Oh please tell me shes alright!!"

"Calm your self Love! Shes still ill bu-"


"No but i think i have a way to heal her!"

"HOW!!! Please if you need any resources you need i will go myself and get the resouces you need!"

"And we will too!" The whole team yelled but only 3 need to go... Hmm...

"Alright go pack only 3 must go Love can lead that group the rest of you must stay! I will go and quickly check what the needed resources we need."

"Alright! HURRY!!" I walk inside and the team is now argueing on who should go with Love... I dont care any more about there problems... The girl they brought in is dieing... She has a high fever, her arm is bleeding and shes losing all of her blood, she is poisoned with a undefined poison that i have never seen, and she might not live... And this time... If she dies with this poison... She might not come back alive....

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