Another story time... ish Chapter 35

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Dream's prov:

"Wait for how long?!"

"A month or so."

"Wow." Not long ill be fine.

"So once Fame gives us the okay we are going."

"Then who is going to stay and guard the town?"

"The guys."

"Which guys? There the guys that you have known for a long time or the theres the guys that are famous and obnoxious."

"The famous guys. And Nell and Blue and Bonny."

"Okay makes me feel a little less concerned... Except for the fact they constantly slack off."

"Dream it'll be alright Fame is going to keep them in order."

"If you say so."

"Fame will handle it."

"Alright im going to go see whats up with Nell, Blue and Bonny and the obnoxious guys."

"Alright have fun."

"Itll be a blast finding them." I wave goodbye and i start looking around the Town. Maybe i could train? Nah i have a month with the team to train. I could pass by the Tournament building and see if the guys arent lazy.

~~~~~~~10 minutes later~~~~~~~~

I stop at the entrance and lean against one of the entrances to the Tournament building. Bonny and Sky are fighting. Everyone else is watching so im guessing they were training. I study there moves. Sort of predictable for Sky and Bonny is a little less predictable... Sky sort of strategetly tries to hit Bonny but Bonny is a speed sort of person. I wonder how long this is going to last?

Bonny is hitting Sky in the leg trying to knock him down and Sky is trying to knock the stick in her hand down and failing... Bonny does eventually hit Sly in the hand and arm but it has no effect except for Sky yell ow. Sky effectively hits Bonny in the leg making her fall but she manages to get up. Neverending im guessing... These guys are never going to stop fighting. I swear to Notch that if this doesnt stop in a few minutes i will stop it myself.

"I WIN!!!!" I look at Bonny and she hit Sky in the head which knocked him over... I have no idea how.


"ALL IS FAIR!!!" Nell and Blue are the first to congratuate Bonny and go and hug her. Everyone else gradually make it towards them.

"Congrats." I walk in and everyone looks at me.

"How long were you watching?!"

"About 10 minutes?"

"And you didnt say hi or sit next to us!? How rude!"

"No cause i didnt want to interrupt a battle."

"Still rude."

"Oh stop complaining Ant. Nothing bad in not wanting to stop a battle."

"Wait you saw me lose!?"

"Yes. Oh and Nell, Blue and Bonny i want to talk to you."


"Wait cant you tell it in front of us?"

"If you want me to say it... Fine."

"Nell, Blue and Bonny."


"While im gone with the team dont let the guys destroy anything, slack off, make sure they do what Fame tells them, and finally keep them in check."

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