Chapter 1

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Blink, blink, my eyes slowly my old life a car horn, a "good morning" greeting, or even birds would have awoken me.

Now, silence is all around me, all the time.I lay in my bed, surrounded by things i collected before.

The bedroom walls are still covered in Twilight, DIvergent and Harry Potter posters.My books, clothes and trophies sit around the room and on my book shelf.

My eyes linger on the desk where my computer sits.I never even tried to turn it on that first day, the day when everything changed.

197 days have passed since I awoke in this same room.It seemed late to me, but the sun had barely risen in the sky.My walls reflected the pinkish light into my eyes as I opened them.

I rolled over thinking to go back to sleep as I stuck my earbuds into my ears and turned my ipod on.

I waited for the music to start but nothing.

"Darn it!", I muttered as I fumbled on my bed side stand for my charger.Finding it I plugged it and waited to hear the click indicating connection and power on.

Time drifted by...had I plugged it in?I wondered to myself, lifting my ipod, I opened my eyes to see the screen and re-connected it.Nothing.

"Ugh!", I groaned as I flung my blankets back.It must've came unplugged from the wall.I pulled my earbuds out and strubbled out of bed towards the wall.

My brain floundered to make sense as I realized it was plugged in still.No power, I figured eyes focusing on my alarm clock, it's numbers unlit.

I briefly considered going back to bed and sleeping through this power outage but I was already up, I might as well see who else was too.

I quickly grabbed some sweatpants and a tank top, dressing  before shoving my hair into a pony tail.As i dressed I listened to see if i could hear Mom, Dad or my brother.Nothing.Maybe they were gone already?

I walked downstairs, check bedrooms as i went, the den, bathrooms and livingroom too.

My house was empty as I reached the kitchen.I opened the front door to see if maybe a neighbour was outside.In our small town, we all checked on each other during emergencies and power outages, making sure everyone was ok.

Not a soul was in the street and cars were still in driveways that I could see.

I ran over to Mrs.Parker's house and knocked loudly.Mrs.Parker has lived in the brown bungalow across from us for as long as i can remmeber.Amy, her daughter is my best friend and I knew they'd be awake, even this early, as Mrs.Parker is a nurse who works the 5 to 3 am shift at the hospital in the city.  

As I waited, I noticed the lack of sound, of any kind.No birds, dogs, people, cars or even wind could be heard.

I opened tried their door and found it opened.Unlocked?Leaning in I yelled, " Mrs.P? Amy?"

Nothing, I wandered in, thinking maybe they left a note.Their house was like mine, everything in the same normal places but devoid of people.

Outside again, I looked closer.There was nothing moving.No power, no sounds, no anything.

My heart beat seemed to become loud in my ears as I strained to hear a sound, but it was the same as before.Silence.

I continued to check houses.Mr.Stone's home garage and even Miss Lou-Lou's daycare.No one on our street was home, every house was unlocked, empty and the power was out.

I walked the 15 minutes to our cross road.Here all the roads in the town connected to the main street.I could see the hardware, grocery and drug store.Normally a busy, people filled street, it sat quiet and empty.

Running up the main street I looked in each window, my head and heart pounding as I began to panic.Where was everyone?

Re-tracing my steps to the center of town I turned in circles searching for a person, a sound...anything.


"ANYONE HERE?", my voice broke the stillness as i yelled as loud as I could trying to get a response.

Wide eyed I waited to see if anyone would answer.Sinking to my knees I slowly realized that I was alone, alone in my hometown.

Everyone was gone, everyone...

Vacant   ~   Book One In the Fae SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now