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Seohyun and my family paid the discharge bills to the receptionist at the hospital as I was free to go.

I had survived and woken up the same day but the first word that escaped my mouth when I saw the world at that time was....Minho.

Nobody answered me.

Then I removed the drips and surgical tapes from my hand to seek for him. I asked the receptionist where the patient was and he nodded by saying that he's in the ICU...

I rushed to room #15 on the second floor, still not fully recovered and I saw Minho with an oxygen mask on his face and a white bandage covering his entire head.

He was looking as if he was asleep but every second was torturous for me as if I were not satisfied if God gave me another chance to live.

I waited and waited.

2 weeks later

I was at home when I got a call that Minho was conscious now. That news brought the life back to me. I was so happy for him that I decided to take flowers with me as a formality.

Reaching the hospital, I quickly went to his room and saw him with his eyes open staring at me as I came through the door with glee on my face. I walked to him and held his hand saying , "I missed you...," but his expression was unexpected as he started removing his hand from mine...

"Who are you?," he uttered with confusion.

It was like a bullet to my heart.

My tears started draining as I was astonished how he'd forget me. My Minho was gone, I was sobbing and then I retreated from the door I came into the room in with.

I was wiping my tears with my sleeves and saw Hyunjin standing in hospital clothes and a convoluted bandage wrapped to his chest and I hugged him tightly, still weeping.

"How could he forget me?," I was crying thus inaudible.

"Aaah. Aaah. That still hurts...," he was indicating his chest wound but still didn't push me away.

I quickly moved a little further so that I wouldn't hurt him and then I sniffed and repeated.

"How could he forget me?," I was sad while pleading.

"Forget YOU?! No way, he's just messing with you come on," Hyunjin was cheerful as he scooped me along with him.

He grabbed my hand and took me to Minho's room while standing right beside me. Minho was talking with Felix and the others while I was standing with Hyunjin. He Just forgot me! WHY??!

"Ya Minho Hyung, Do you know who this is?," Hyunjin pointed at me while squinting.

Minho curved the corner of his lips and started wondering what on earth was Hyunjin talking about.

"umm... you're the girl who came in a while ago?," he said with an abrupt tone.

I started crying even more and hugged Hyunjin's chest tightly with my eyes closed. I forgot that he was hurt but continued anyways.

"Ahm...ahm...Hyunjin, mind if you keep your distance...," Minho arose.

I turned to look at his smiling savage face as it was all teeth now.

"HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO ME?!," I rushed to him and started hitting him with my hands.

"Aaaisshh...I just survived, do you want to send me away for good again?," he joked while cribbing, more like complaining.

I continued hitting him and everyone around us was laughing, including my parents who came in a while ago.

Hyunjin's POV

I smiled.

Looking at Minho and Eunha together was a good treat and that reminded me of my love.

My Minji <3

While I was staring at Minho and Eunha, Minji came through the doors and stood beside me still smiling. I placed an arm around her and looked at her with the love she deserves, for she was my life saver.

The day I was stabbed in the chest, I collapsed to the floor gasping for air and everything around me was turning cold. My eyes laggardly opened, looking at Changbin and Felix beating up Woojin until I saw another figure rush towards me and sit beside my body.

It was Minji.

"Hyunjin Oh my God! What the hell happened to you!," she was terrified as her eyes flickered momentarily.

"Hey... I'm not gonna die, not so easily." I laughed and then coughed blood .

"Noo... Please don't die! I can't imagine a life without you Hwang Hyunjin, I love you!," Minji was crying as I heard the three words from her mouth for the first time and they were healers indeed.

At that moment I decided that sometimes... it's better to love someone who loves you than loving someone whom you love...

"Hahaha I can't leave now, can I? So please stop crying or I'm gonna be sad...," I smiled at her.

"Shut up. You're still not serious, just look at yourself. Just hang in there," Minji panicked as she drew out a first aid box from her back.

She ripped open my shirt to reveal my wound and injected a clotting serum near the wound. I flinched a little but it was worth it.

She temporarily bandaged me and then I was rushed to the hospital in the right time. The doctors said that I survived also because the wound didn't touch my heart but for me Minji saved my life and I was grateful for that because I was certain that SHE is the girl I want to spend the rest of my life with.

When God brought us together for a reason, this was it...

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