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I didn't go to college on Monday because I was feeling distressed. There were numerous knocks on my door but I refused to open it.

Everything was fair in love and war wasn't it.

I hadn't eaten anything since the sorta dinner with Lucas and it was getting blurry around me because I was already pretty slim and now the hunger strike could prove lethal to me.

I slowly opened the door to my room and walked downstairs to the kitchen to find something to eat.

I opened the fridge and picked up a granola bar and ate it all in one bite then chased it down with milk, directly from the carton.

Feeling energized.

I wiped my milk whiskers with my sleeve and then moved upstairs.

"Beep." my phone started ringing.

"Hello?" I picked up the call only to flinch at the loud tone.

"Why didn't you come today? is everything ok?" it was Minji.

"Oh hi, I'm fine. Just the cramps you know," I said one truth.

"Aww baby, get well soon. Should've told Minho to get you chocolates. By the way, he asked about you," she added and a lot of noise erupted from her background.

"What...?what'd he say?," I asked willingly. After all I'd been through, he was my healing place and I already missed him eventhough 24 hours hadn't passed yet.

His name itself, it just brought me bliss and unlimited comfort and I had no idea how it was humanely possible.

"Nothing. Just asked about how you were. Now I'll tell him you're fine,"

"Oh alright. Is he around, somewhere?"

"Umm... let me see. Jinnie do you know where Minho is? What? You just saw him sign a short leave cause classes are over. Ohhh...alright...," Minji's conversation was all audible so I understood.

I said goodbye to her and started patiently waiting for Minho to arrive. My adorb, my happy pill . He'll definitely come for me.

I keenly rested on my bed for the whole day and almost snoozed.

"DING DONG," the door bell rang and I sprang out of bed to attend the door, forgetting about my cramps as well.

I opened the door with a smile on my face which slowly disintegrated.

"Hi Eunha..." Lucas rustily said as he put a hand on the side of the door.

"What're you doing here?and how'd you know that I live here?" I was startled by his unannounced arrival and inquisitive how he knew my place.

"Your fb account has your address,"

"You're lying," I gave him a skeptical look.

"Ok I just asked Felix,"

FELIX! How dumb ughh!

"So what brings you here?" I asked sullenly, my arms folded as I rested against the door frame.

"Umm.. I wanted to tell you that you dropped something in my car. If you don't mind, you can check if it's yours. It's a bracelet maybe."

My bracelet! It was the lucky charm my grandma gave me, how careless of me to drop it.

I walked to his car and sat on the front seat to bend downwards. I could see something shiny twinkle in the front foot mat of the seat. I couldn't reach for it.

"I can't...reach," I sighed heavily.

Lucas sat in the driver's seat and reached for a rod on the right side of my arm. He bent across my shoulders, his arm spanning the most of me.

He was a little too close to me now.

A kiss was inevitable but NO. He came closer to me but I hesitated back. The scene was such that you couldn't tell what exactly was happening but it looked like a kiss if viewed from the back wind shield of the car.

Lucas drew out a rod and used it to drag the piece of jewellery. As soon as I got it, my only intuition was to get out of the damn car but Lucas stopped me.

"Eunha, I miss you. Can we have a patch up? I've realised my mistake already and I still love you," he abruptly stated, his eyes pleading.

"It's too late Lucas, I'm sorry..."

"But why? I broke up with Mina hoe just because of you. Don't leave me astray," he was begging me this time as his hold on my wrist strengthened.

"I'm sorry I'm already dating someone and that's Minho," I admitted, leaving the air cold and stark as a silence hung over.

"Oh..." he weakened his grip on my wrist.

I felt bad for him regardless of the fact that he broke my heart in the past and never valued my presence.

"That's ok, I'll become a great person you will come after. I'll still wait for you," he sounded in a state of denial as I mentally eye rolled because I was never going to go back to Lucas, no matter what.

"Let's just hope for the best," I said and hastily jumped out of the car.

His face was painted with disappointment as he drove past me, sending dry leaves to fly with the dust. I had my hands tugged in the pockets of my GOT7 hoodie and I was obliviously looking straight until something caught the corner of my peripheral vision.

I turned to the left to see Minho standing a few meters away with a bouquet of flowers in his hands.

Everything was perfect about his alluring presence, except his disapproved expression.

He was hurt.

I walked quickly towards him and reached out my hands for his but he didn't want them today.

"Lee Know, I can explain," I was trying to get control of him as my heart started beating insane because of the awkward situation that commenced.

His face was crimson with anger.

"Jung Eunha . I didn't expect this from you," he was disappointed as his gritty expressions took over.

I noticed that he called me by my full name, which was clearly not a good sign.

"It's not what it looks like," I wanted to explain things to him because he deserved it, but he wasn't ready to listen.

"Don't keep me in this fool's paradise Eunha. Let's just end this little chapter," his lips were thinned and he clenched his jaws with rage when I could see his eyes turn glossy.

I had never seen him THIS pissed.

"But please. Don't go. Just listen for once," I held his hand to hold him back, tears welling up in my eyes,  but he was unwilling and too broken. I couldn't blame him for what he saw either.

He was stronger so he jerked my hand and walked away, dropping the flowers and chocolates he got for me.

I was devastated as I defeatedly watched him walk away.

I looked down and picked up the flowers, covering my mouth to suppress the escaping cries, I read the note in it.

'Happy one month anniversary Eunha <3'    

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