chapter 15🥀

31 15 1

Listen to the music, for a better reading experience.

[Jinae's POV]

We went to a park near the burger resteraunt. It was beautiful there, i never really went out since i moved so this place this was new to me.

"Woaaah it's so beautiful here omg!" I excitingly said. He looked at me, smile said: "that's not the only beautiful thing here." and looked away. I blushed at his words, he was so sweet to me.

"So..why did you move here?" Yoongi asked me. My expression suddenly changed. It wasn't happy anymore, it became sadder.

[Yoongi's POV]

"Well...i moved here with my mother and sister because of my university, but my father stayed because of his work and there was no way that he could change his position." she said.

I could see the sadness in her eyes, she must be close with her father. She looked at me and smiled, suddenly she changed the subject.

" about you? What's your story Min Yoongi?" she teasingly asked me and we both laughed as we were walking through the park.

"Me? Haha well...i'm just a harmless person. I grew up in this little apartment with my siblings and m-" i stopped a second, took a deep breath and talked again. "My father and mother."

I didn't want to tell her about my parents fights, and my fathers drinking addiction that is getting worse and worse by time.

[Jinae's POV]

It became quiet again, and i didn't want our conversation to end. So i just thought of a game that we could play. I had a idea.

"Let's play a game!" I said and he surprisingly looked at me. "Oh um okay, sure what is it?" he asked me.

"The game is called 1,2,3 Soleil! I used to play this game in france with my cousin and my friends when we were kids." i explained him the game and he listened to me while nodding.

[Yoongi's POV]

I admired her face while she explained me the game. She was just...perfect. Her smile, her eyes, her voice, everything.

I smiled while listening to her and she suddenly became nervous. Did she notice that i was staring at her?

"Did you understand the game?" she asked me. "Hmm? Oh yeah sure! Your turn, lady's first i winked and smiled. She blushed, nodded and went to her position.

[In this game you have to arrive to the position where the other person is without the person noticing, which means when that person counts from 1 to 3 and you have the change to move but when she/he says "Soleil!" she/he turns arround and you're not allowed to move. A new thing that i added to this game is that when the person is standing like a statue, you are allowed to move 'em. Got it?:3]

"Un, deux, droit.." she counted and i made some steps towards. When she shouted "Soleil!" i didn't move.

She came towards me, and controlled if i really didn't move. "Hmm...okay i'm gonna change your position." she happily said and suddenly touched my arms.

I suddenly had butterflies in my stomach, and became red in my face. This situation is embarrassing as hell.

[Jinae's POV]

I touched his arms and put them in the air. I was kinda nervous because i stood close to him, and i think he was kind of nervous too.

[Time Skip]

There was on step left until he won and i counted one last time. "Un, deux, droi-" "SOLEIL! Yes i won!" he happily shouted.

I turned arround and our faces were inched away. I looked him deeply in the eyes, and so he did. Our gazes looked for a long time, just like the day we met.

He held me by my waist and i put my hands and his shoulders, my heart almost explosed.

Suddenly his face came towards me and i slowly closed my eyes and-

[Yoongi's POV]

We stood really close. It was the perfect moment to kiss her, i'll have to do it now. I held her by her waist, and she had her hands laid on my shoulders.

I looked her in the eyes and came closer to her. I slowly closed my eyes and-

[Jinae's & Yoongi's POV]

We kissed.


"A life without love, is like a year without summer."

Heey my lovely darlings!💜 Oooooo they finally kissed, i waited for sooo long even though i'm the author lol. I know it's A LOT shorter but idk i just felt like it ya know? But what will happen after the kiss? Find out in the next chapter😏

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