chapter 24🥀

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Listen to the music, for a better reading experience.

[Jinae's POV]

I stood infront of the mirror, looking at my dress. Tonight was our first real date after Yoongi and I started dating. I was really excited, but also really nervous.

 I was really excited, but also really nervous

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

(The Outfit that Jinae was wearing.)

"Do i look good?" i asked as i turned arround to Hyo and Hwayoung. "Sweetie are you serious? You look gorgeous! Even if i don't like dresses." she laughed.

"Yes Jinae, this dress really looks amazing. I can't believe that you guys are going on a date again!" Hwayoung said as she started faked crying. Hyo and I laughed, as my phone ringed.

I told them that Yoongi texted me, and we all got downstairs

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

I told them that Yoongi texted me, and we all got downstairs.

[Yoongi's POV]

I stood downstairs and talked to Jinae's Mother. "I am sooo happy for you two! Jinae seems even happier since you two started dating." she said as she smiled. I bowed and said: "Thank you Ms. Choi, i'll take care of your daughter."

When i looked up, i saw you walking downstairs. Your dark blue dress, you curled hair and most specially your smiled.

My eyes widen, and i coughed. "Omg Yoongi are you okay?" you asked as you noticed me.

"Yes it's just breathtaking how wonderful you look." I said as i smiled. Everyone awed at my words and Jinae just smiled.

She was about to put on her jacket, but i stopped her. "I'll do it!" and i helped her. We said "Bye" to everyone and left the house.

[Jinae's POV]

We sat in the resteraunt and the waiter came up to us to take our orders. "What would you like to eat?" He asked me first and i l and told him what i wanted, then Yoongi took his order.

When the waiter asked us what we would like to drink, i started at the card again. "Umm...i'll take a red wine." Yoongi orded the same thing, and the waiter noted everything and left.

While waiting i noticed how Yoongi was staring at me. His dark eyes were so dark, it was like he was staring into my soul.

"Do i have something on my face?" I asked.

"If you are talking about your beauty, then yes." He said and i hit his leg.

"Yah stop, you're making me blush." I silently shouted and he just laughed.

Our food was done, and the waiter brought us our food. While eating our food, we chatted and the night couldn't be better. We drank our wine and told  some storys.

"Excuse Me! Could we get more red wine?" Yoongi asked the waiter and i surprisely looked at him. "Yoongi..., please don't drink too much. How are you going to drive?" he just nodded and said: "Don't worry Yebo, i got this."

Time passed by, and Yoongi drank more and more. I became more worried about him. "Okay Yoongi you need to st-" i gasped when he suddenly started to shout. "JINAE STOP TALKING, I T-TOLD YOU I GOT THIS!"

Everybody stared at us and I felt more than embarrassed. I felt anger and sadness over me. If i only had left him in this night. I held my tears back and the waiter came up to us.

"Excuse me m'am, could you be more quiet? Some guests feel uncomfortable." I looked at him and bowed "I'm reammy sorry. We are leaving now, may we pay?" He nodded and i took Yoongi's Card.

Yoongi wanted to say something to the waiter, but i signalized him to shut up.

I stood up, put my jacket on and left. Yoongi ran after me. I was really angry at Yoongi for ruining our date.

"Jinae i-" i glared at him and told him to shut up.

I helped him in the car, and drove us home. Thank god i had my driver's license, because i don't wanna know in which kind of situation i would be in. "Jagiyaaa~ The night is young, let's still hang out~~" he said while grabbing my arm. "Yoongi let go, or i swear to god you will walk home!" I shouted.

He didn't stop, and after i looked at him and screamed, i heard a crash.

the day we met.حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن