Then it happened ~ Undertale

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No one's POV~
Frisk's death hit the monster community the hardest when it happened. It was only about a year or so into their newly found freedom.

Frisk had been walking home from school. The walk was going perfectly. People would wave to Frisk as she passed them. She always tried to wave back if her hands were free. Monsters would hug and thank her. Frisk tried to get them to stop after all this time but gave up on it after a month. 

Frisk had just started a conversation with a monster she knew when something gained her attention from the corner of her eye. A child had run across the road after a ball and didn't notice the car speeding towards it.

Without thinking, Frisk dropped her things and bolted to the child. She just managed to wrap herself around the child before the car slammed into her. When she stopped flying, Frisk noticed a few things. Screams were coming from every direction, something warm was surrounding her body and the child she had saved was no longer in her arms.

Frisk tried to get up and look for the child but she was quickly pushed back down onto the ground. Finally, Frisk looked around her to see people and monsters surrounding her.

"Get an ambulance here now! The monster ambassador has been hit by a car and is losing blood fast!"

Frisk didn't know who the voice belonged to but she knew it was human. Being around monsters for so long gave her the ability to tell which voice was which. Soon, images started to flash past Frisk's eyes.

From what she saw it was her life. All from seeing her carer at the orphanage for the first time to falling into the underground, meeting her now family, fighting omega flowey and finally freeing all of monster kind. 

She was dying. Yeah, that was it. Her body started to go cold and all the sounds that were going on were starting to dull. Some of the things she knew happen when people die. Suddenly a familiar face appeared over her.

Undyne? Why was she here? Frisk focussed in on a badge she was wearing. Undyne was part of the Police force now, that's right. Frisk smiled at the sight. It was the first thing she had told Undyne about when she went to go job hunting. 

Frisk saw Undyne open and close her mouth but didn't hear anything. Her vision was starting to black now. Frisk knew she wasn't going to make it so she used the last of her strength to pull up a text box, something only herself and a select few could do but this time, it was slightly different but yet similar.

My life has been filled with love, adventure and warmth

I thank you all for looking after me for so long

As my time comes to an end and my soul leaves my body for a final time

Something happens to you

You are filled with determination

By the time Undyne finished reading the text box, she no longer felt a pulse coming from her friend's wrist. Human paramedics came and took Frisk from Undyne's grasp before rushing her off to a hospital, but she knew it was too late. Frisk had died but she was right. Undyne was now filled with determination. The determination that would find Frisk's killer but she had to push it down, she had people to inform.


Frisk's family was beyond horrified when it happened. When one of their own came home early to only inform them that their youngest member was no longer living. Toriel wept, San's eye was burning a bright blue, Papyrus's eye was burning a bright orange and Alphys...she would find out when she saw Frisk in the hospital.

News quickly spread throughout the community about the ambassador's death. The funeral was held at the top of Mt. Ebott. Only family and close friends knew where that was. Many other people were too scared to go up there.

A few months had gone by since Frisk's death and people had gone back to their daily life, the monsters weren't quite there yet. Many had done daily trips up to Frisk's grave to pay their respects but soon they had to get back to their lives.

Sans and Papyrus were some of the few monsters/people that still went up to Frisk's grave now. Unknowingly to them though, something was happening to Frisk's body. Mt. Ebott had some special properties in its soil and Frisk's body a taken in enough of them for something to happen.


It was the four-month anniversary of Frisk's death when it happened. Sans and Papyrus had been up at Frisk's grave for most of the day. Sans grieved silently off to the side but stayed by Papyrus when he kneeled in front of the grave.

"Come on bro..." Sans started. "We should probably get going..." he added, resting a hand on his brother's shoulder.


Once Papyrus got up off the ground, the pair started to walk back down the mountain in silence. Sure, they would "back" to their normal selves tomorrow but they could help but think of the 'what if's'. What if they had been there to save Frisk? What if someone had picked Frisk up that day? What would have happened?

Suddenly, Papyrus felt little tugs on the back of his scarf.

"I appreciate your attempts to comfort me Sans, but tugging on my scarf like that is not helping."

Sans was quick to defend himself.

"Wha- I'm not..." he started but stopped when he saw his brother's scarf tighten again.

Both brothers look over there shoulders this time to see a small person there. A small person that wasn't a person...but a skeleton!

Sans and Papyrus spin around in alarm. Who was this other skeleton and why were they wearing Frisk's clothing with a little red heart over the area where a human's heart was. Then it happened.



There we go! It may have taken a few hours but I got it done. Hope you all enjoyed the one-shot. When I spun my wheel and this came up I got excited. I like doing Undertale one-shots. They're normally cool ones to do.

Anyways, found this little comic a while ago and it's what I used to base the one-shot around. The song is called On and On by Cartoon and Daniel Levi.

Now on a slightly different note. Avengers Endgame comes out in less than 3 days time (in Australia. So 24/04/19) as of this update. My heart races whenever I think about it. I'm excited to see what happens but scared to see who goes. Ahhhh I'm not ready for my favourites to die or no longer be in the MCU. I know that I will most likely cry when watching it in cinemas with my mum, so I'm taking a box of tissues with me. Might hand some out to any other people that are crying (if there are any).


Stay safe and happy reading


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