a ThOuSanD TiMEs ~ Gravity Falls (Billdip)

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No one's POV~

Pacifica scoffs as she looks at her phone of the picture of her crush, Dipper Pines and the demon that tried to take over the world, Bill Cipher. Yes, she fell for Dipper and she had been crushing on him for a while. When she went to confess to the twin, she found him making out with the demon that now had a human form. WhenPaciffica confronted the twin, by himself, he told her,

"I'm sorry Pacifica but I love Bill and he loves me. Don't worry though! He won't try to take over the world anymore! So you're safe!" before walking back to the Mystery Shack to meet up with his family and most likely Bill too.

Dipper thought that would stop her, no. She kept following him around, flirting with him until he loved her the way she loved him. She even did this when Bill and the other Pines were around, Pacifica went as far as telling the media that she was dating the twin but was quickly shot down and made into a laughing stock. What crushed her the most was when she found out the two were going to get married when they were in October after the twin's 20th birthday, she then knew she had no chance with him. So if she couldn't have him, no one could. Not even the powerful demon, Bill Cipher.

Pacifica had overheard Mabel talking about Dipper and Bill going to a cafe later that week, so that's when she decided that she would set her plan into place. She made a few calls, promised a lot of money and the job was set for the fateful day.

Bill's POV~

"Come on Pine Tree!" I whine floating at the bottom of the stairs in the Mystery Shack.

"I'm coming Bill! Just hold on a second!" Pine Tree shouts back.

I let out a whine before landing on the ground, when he says, 'just hold on a second', it can be anywhere from a couple of seconds to a couple of minutes. Luckily, a few seconds later Pine Tree finally comes down the stairs and we head off into town. As Pine Tree walks along the road and I float above him the suddenly sound of the bushes rustling makes us. The rustling gets worse and I don't think twice about picking Pine Tree up before what was in the bushes could attack him. I shoot a fireball a the bush, setting it on fire in a blue blaze of glory. Soon enough a rabbit comes jumping out of it on fire before jumping off to find water.

"Come on Bill it was just a rabbit, I'm fine you can place me down again. But the question is are you fine?" he asks as I set him down on the road again.

"Always looking after others huh Pine Tree," I start with a smile. I let out a sigh before answering, "Just have a bad feeling that's all, like something really bad is going to happen," I answer shortly before placing a kiss on his forehead, making him smile a smile that could warm anyone's heart.

Pine Tree gives a simple nod in return before we continue to make our way into town. It was a nice sunny Spring day in Gravity Falls. Pine Tree seemed to like this weather the best, so our wedding is going to be in October. After our half an hour journey to the cafe, we finally make it. It was one of the old cafes in town, which give it a nice background, but it was also Pine Tree's favourite one. We head in and even though I don't need to eat anything, Pine Tree orders me something and begins to tell me about a new creature he found last week as we wait for our orders.

Once they came we made our way outside and begin to finalize our wedding plans. My suit is going to be yellow with my brick pattern on it and Pine Tree's is going to be a classic black one with a yellow rose, but what he doesn't know is that I'm going to make him wear a dress. Around fifteen minutes after we sat down, a black car shows up parallel to Pine Tree and myself. I didn't think much of it at first until the passenger side window went down a crack and a gunshot went off. I dive for Pine Tree but it's too late. I watch as the bullet goes through Pine Tree's head, making him fall back.

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