A place to stay ~ Marvel's Spider-Man

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This is going to be a one-shot from the new Marvel's Spider-Man game. 

!!!!!!!!!!SPOILERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!SPOILERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!SPOILERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!SPOILERS!!!!!!Now I've been watching Jacksepticeye play the game and he has just got up to the part where Peter is kicked out of his apartment and heads over to MJ's place to try and crash on her lounge but can't since she's busy. Now I'm going to start the one-shot where Jacksepticeye finishes his video. Please enjoy and check out Jack's channel! He's awesome!

Peter/Spider-Man's POV~
'Where can I go now?' I ask myself, perching on top of a high rise building. 'MJ is out, Harry is out, I definitely can't go to Aunt May. Argh! Where do I go?!' I continue before jumping off the building and swinging to god knows where.

I swing for a little while, letting the cool New York air hit my suit before coming to stop on top of another high rise building. I let out a groan before taking off my mask and taking in a deep breath of fresh air.

Looks like after all these years my famous ParkerLuckTM is still in effect. I sigh before taking in my surrounding, I actually hardly ever get to see New York at night properly since that's when crime at it's highest. As I'm scanning my surrounding, my eyes pass over Avenger's Tower...

Avenger's Tower! That's where I could go! Wait...I haven't seen Mr Stark or any of the Avengers in years. Will they even remember me? I better try and ring Mr Stark first to see if he is there first and if he even still owns the building at all.

I activate the phone in my suit and put my mask back on so that I can talk to whoever answers...if anyone answers that is. I pace around on the rooftop as the phone in my suit rings, and rings, and rings. After a few more rings, I go to hang up when someone picks up my call.

"Hello this is Stark Industries, you are speaking to Tony Stark's A.I system J.A.R.V.I.S, how can I help you?"

'Wow J.A.R.V.I.S. answered anyways!'

"H-Hey J.A.R.V.I.S.! It's Peter Parker, is Mr Stark available at all?" I ask the A.I through my suit, my pacing not stopping.

"Ah Peter it's good to hear from you again, I'll have to go check please hold on a second," J.A.R.V.I.S. says before going quiet.

'God, what if Mr Stark isn't even there or doesn't allow me to stay! Well he said I was welcome anytime to stop by but times have change-' I'm cut out of my internal panic when J.A.R.V.I.S. calls out my name.

"Peter are you there?"J.A.R.V.I.S. asks.

"O-Oh yeah, sorry about that J.A.R.V.I.S," I apologise before I hear the A.I attempt a chuckle.

"It's alright Peter anyways, Mr Stark is available at the moment but not for long. Do you want me to put you through to him?"J.A.R.V.I.S. asks, making me quickly spit out my answer.

"Ah yes please!" I stamper out, the cold now getting through my suit, making me shiver.

"Alright, please hold again, J.A.R.V.I.S. says before going quiet again. 

'I wonder if any of the Avengers are there at the moment?'  I ask myself before I hear Mr Stark's voice come through my suit.

"Stark speaking," he dead-pans through the phone, not sounding too happy at the moment.

"Ah hello Mr Stark-" is all I get out before he speaks again.

 "Mr Stark? Is that you Peter?"  he asks, a bit of excitement in his voice.

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