You Bumpkin?

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"Achoo" Chen Yi sneezed. She could never have guessed in her wildest dream that a certain CEO she had called a bumpkin other day was now determined to make her his wife at all costs.

"You alright Yi'er" Fu Liling looked worried.

"Of course. Idiot! You are the one being hospitalized here" Chen Yi placed a hand over her forehead. "Hmm. It's better now."

Chen Yi looked down to see her best friend Fu Liling, her only support through her difficult time. It would be wrong to say that if not for Fu Liling's emotional support through her difficult time, Chen Yi wouldn't be alive today. She might have ended her life. Especially at the time when Fu Jianguo abandoned her, she was broken. A warm smile spread in Chen Yi's eyes as she glanced at Fu Liling.

Fu Liling was cute. With mid-length black hair and pale round baby face, she was the perfect example of innocent beauty. Her cheeks held a tinge of red. Fu family held good genes. All their offsprings were beautiful.

"I'm alright. Stop being my mother. One mother is already more than enough." Fu Liling laughed while opening the food box. "And what is it you brought? Porridge?" She made a face.

"I made an extra effort to make it as bad tasting as I could." Chen Yi teased.

"You are such a bit*h."

"Isn't it why we are best friends? Because we both are bitc*es."

Chen Yi made sure that Fu Liling finished her porridge. And despite her relentless refusals, she forced the whole bowl down her throat. In the end, Fu Liling was literally crying.

"Your cooking is horrible! I've not tasted anything worse than this in my entire life!"

"Don't worry. Next time I'll make sure to make it even worse just for you"

"I hate you!"

"I love you too." Chen Yi laughed. "Remember. This is a punishment. So you won't be getting careless again."

Fu Liling had gotten drunk during the engagement party of Chen Ying and Fu Jianguo and ended up falling in the swimming pool. If it was not for Chen Yi timely noticing the noise caused by her, she would have drowned and possibly died. Even the possibility of it scared Chen Yi to no end. She glanced at Fu Liling and frowned. "What's the matter?"

Fu Liling expressions looked conflicting. It looked like she wanted to say something but it was getting difficult for her to say.

"If you don't want to say it then let it be." Chen Yi said thoughtfully. "Just say it when you are ready."

"No, I must tell you today." Fu Liling shook her head. The fact was eating her inside and she desperately wanted to let it out. And there was no one other than her best friend Chen Feng who would believe her. "Listen to me Chen Yi, whatever I'm going to tell you, promise me to stay calm?"

"Okay." Chen Yi was serious now.

Fu Liling took a deep breath. "It was actually Chen Ying who had pushed me down that day."

Chen Yi was stunned.

"I was not sure first that it was her. So I asked Gu Chiantao. She also confirmed that it was her."

Chen Yi fell in disbelief. After a long silence, she asked. "Are you sure?"

"I remember someone pushing me but I couldn't see the person face. Later I dismissed it assuming I must have been being delusional because of all that alcohol. But Gu Chiantao said she saw Chen Ying pushing me" Fu Liling said slowly. She knew that it must be quiet a shock for Chen Feng.

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