Greedy Bumpkin

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"Do you have any idea who I am?" Li Luxian wanted to make sure if she knew who he was. But inevitably, his dark tune held the answer to his own question. It explicitly implied that 'I'm a very important. do-not-mess-with type of guy'.

Chen Yi glanced at his face. She frowned. A little uncertainty arose in her expressions. She tried to recognize that face. But she couldn't. "Who are you?" When she looked down, she froze. The next second, she started laughing.

Li Luxian was utterly lost. What happened to her now? This woman was so unpredictable. Did she get mania after finally recognizing the identity of the person she had offended?

"You bumpkin, I'm telling you. Don't try to play that you-know-who-I'm card with me. It won't work on me."

Li Luxian: "..." She did not just call him that. Li Luxian couldn't believe her. He had lost the number of times this girl had surprised him in a short span of time.

"You don't know who I am." He sighed. Then he smiled. That was interesting. He wondered how her expressions would look once she realized who he was.

Chen Yi glared at him: "Wipe off that you-don't-know-anything smile from your face, bumpkin." Did that bumpkin think he was smart? Hah! "Are you trying to scare me for compensation by playing this card?" Her tone was bitter. Chen Yi glanced at his smashed phone and assessed its worth. Being responsible, she grabbed out some dollar bills and threw them at that bumpkin. "Here. That will make up for your loss"

Li Luxian stared at those notes in his hand. How long has it been since he had touched material currency? His financial matters were normally be taken care of by Zhang Xin. And if he even went out to do some personal shopping he would bring credit cards.

Watching at him inspecting the bills like it was some alien object, Chen Yi was assured this man was a bumpkin who hadn't even ever seen this much money.

"What if it doesn't make up for my loss?" Those bills wouldn't even make up for one percent price of that custom made phone.

"Listen, bumpkin. Don't get greedy. I'm already giving you more than it could have cost."

"Then you definitely have no idea how much that cell cost"

"It cost your mother!" Chen Yi burst.

Li Luxian froze and stared back at her, taken aback. One word surfaced in his head. 'Feisty'. This woman was feisty and he so wanted to tame her.

"This is all you are getting from me. So don't think of more. It was not entirely my fault that your cell fell from your hands. You should have gotten too much involved in a random kiss and paid attention to your phone." Was this guy really trying to rob her in broad daylight? Huffing, Chen Yi turned over her heels and walked away.

A fire sparked in Li Luxian eyes. He crunched those notes in his hands. A devilish smile unfolded on his lips: "You are so going to regret this."


Chen Yi walked into her apartment. Everything was messy and untidy. Clothes were everywhere. Not a single thing was in its place.

Who cared to clean? She had to leave the apartment soon anyway.

She walked to couches and slouched down. She lazily threw her head on the armrest of the couch and stretched her long, slim legs along the whole length of the sofa. She folded her arm and rested it over her forehead as she contemplated what to do with her life next.

In front of the couch, on the table, laid the stack of bills. Notices by the bank. Notices for the final date of submission of her apartment rent. Notices for the final date for submission of her university fee.

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