Chapter 10

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(Y/N) POV:

I looked at the clock waiting for the final bell to ring for school to end. As I watched the red hand move around slowly and so close, once the hand passed 11 the bell rang and I packed everything quickly as possible.

Issei: Hey, (Y/N), the prez what's us to head to the club.

(Y/N): Can't

Issei: What do you mean? She's gonna get mad about this. You've been avoiding the meeting for two weeks.

(Y/N): I don't have time.

Issei: At least tell me we're your heading.

(Y/N): Not in your life

Issei: Don't be like that.

(Y/N): Gotta go.

Issei: Hey, wait!

(Y/N): No can do.

I grabbed my stuff and left the classroom. I walked through the hallways and headed downstairs and ran towards the gate.

(Y/N): I hope not one finds out.

Next day~

3rd person POV

(Y/N) walked into a building and within it a café. He then walked towards the counter lifting the counter board and walked foward heading to a door. There inside the room was a changing room and (Y/N) closed the door and locked it.

(Y/N): Time to clock in.

(Y/N) started to get dressed and once he finished changing he walked out the room.

(Y/N) POV:

I held a tray and walking serving the customers.

(Y/N): Sorry from the wait ladies.

Woman: It's fine.

Woman2: Take your time.

I heard the door bell ring and I went to greet the customer.

(Y/N): Welcome, I'll be right with-

I stopped talking seeing Rias, Akeno, Asia, and Koneko. Right in front of the door.

Asia: Hi, (Y/N).

I froze in fear and then my boss snapped me out.

Lizlet: Come on, (Y/N).

(Y/N): Right. Please follow me right now.

I escorted the girl's to a booth and took my note book and clicked my pen. They took their seat and and I smiled while make a angry face.

(Y/N): What are you four doing here?

Rias: I've heard good things about this place, so we came here.

Akeno: I didn't know you work here.

(Y/N): And nobody else will. Got it.

Asia: Why are you working here.

(Y/N): Sigh~

2 weeks ago~

(Y/N): Let's see...

I scrolled through my computer on a website looking through different anime stuff and there it was, a limited edition devil fruit replica of Luffy's and a it was 30,000¥.

(Y/N): Crap. I'm 20,000¥ short. Maybe I can ask the old geezer for extra allowance. He did get this house and the furniture and the gym equipment. It'll be a fine.

I waited for the mirror and then I saw the geezer pick up.

Zecticus: (Y/N)? What's with the unexpected call?

Nephilim of DXDOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora