Chapter 1

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Taehyung pov

I opened my eyes and my vision was blurry. I blinked a couple of times to concentrate on my surroundings. I looked to the left and then noticed the white walls. Then I knew I was in a hospital. I turned to the right and saw someone sitting on a chair beside my bed.

Hobi sitting on the chair sleeping. I caressed his hair and he woke up.
"Tae... You're awake." he spoke in a husky voice and gave me his heart smile.
"yeah...what happened?" I managed to croak out.
"Bogum knocked you out with a gun when he got shot..."
"oh my goodness is he OK?!" I asked. My voice was still hoarse because of the way he gripped my neck.

"yeah he's fine. Don't bother yourself. Why are you even bothered about him? I'm sorry if I couldn't protect you even though I promised. I can't believe he turned out like this. I'm really sorry. If I could turn back time..."

"don't worry I'm fine now aren't I? How did you know I said was here?" I asked him.

"I reported to the police that you were missing since last week and I gave them your picture so they could find you. I received a call and they told me you were in a hospital. I'm still sorry that I didn't protect you. When I noticed all the bruises you had I should have investigated a little more. If I did none of this would have happened. This is all my fault..."
 I cut him off, "it's nobody's fault." I sighed, "stop blaming yourself Hobi."

He opened his mouth to speak and then shut it.   
"I'm hungry though." I told him. He laughed.

"fine, I'll go get you some food."

"be quick or I'll start eating the pillows." I smiled.

"are you sure you'll be fine alone?" he asked with a concerned look on his face.

I rolled my eyes "food now!"
"OK, OK I'll go."  he said before leaving

Few minutes later a nurse came inside and checked on me and left. I started thinking about Bogum and started crying. When did I become this weak to cry about everything? I was never like this. I think.

'Come on Tae, this is not you. Stop crying. 'fighting'.' I thought in my head. And then I gave myself a small smile.

"what's taking him so long?" I whined and my stomach growled loudly. And he entered the room.
"yah! you took forever!" I told him. He just rolled his eyes.

"I still brought the food." he ruffled his hair, "aish this kid."

"you still love me. I love you Hobi." I puckered my lips a little. "come on, bring the food."

"ramen, are you serious?" my mouth hung ajar.

"not even a thank you." he huffed, "just eat."

"thanks a lot Hobi." and then I picked my chopsticks and began to eat.

When I was done, Hobi threw the trash away. I patted my belly, "I'm going to sleep now goodnight Hobi. Wait can I cuddle with you?" I gave him my puppy eyes and a pout.

"you're lucky I still love you." he said ashe climbed the bed lying beside me.

"goodnight Hobi."

"goodnight Tae."


current me:

I don't know what I was doing in this chapter.

I changed a few things if you've read it before.


'peace out 💟

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