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Walking out into the living room I dried my sweaty palms. Although resolute in my decision to face Mr Hale, I was still afraid. "Wow." Rayne's husky voice wrapped around me. Rising from one of the recliners he scanned me slowly, pausing on my face. "You look...wow." My skin heated, smiling I looked away. I wasn't exactly the shy type but of course those traits were a mute point when it came to this man.

Scanning his neatly dressed figure I clenched my thighs together. The thin fabric of his white cotton V-neck clung to his muscles in a way that could make you faint at sight. Dark denim jeans sat on his waist, paired with grey adidas sneakers. The look was simple but killer. "Sure you don't need a jacket?" I mumbled, feeling a strange twinge of possessiveness.

Smirking he neared, tilting my head up with his finger. "That's my line." He whispered, lowering his lips to mine. Ducking away, I smiled.

"This was a lot of effort okay." Pointing to the makeup I chuckled. Heading out before everyone else in order to cool down. Macy and Joey eventually exited; Rayne on their heel. Walking towards me Rayne handed me his jacket, everything I'd done previously to settle my libido came rushing back with a vengeance.

Opening my door he helped me inside. Macy and Joey followed as we drove to this frat party. Rayne wasn't in a rush, which I was grateful for. Mr Hale's intentions were unwavering; his insanity had completely consumed him. He has mutated into something unpredictable, what my provocation would awaken in him was beyond me. "You alright?" Rayne's voice snapped me from my thoughts.

Looking towards him I nodded, forcing a smile. Raising an eyebrow, he reached for my hand. Unclenching the fist it had formed I exposed the deep indents my nails had caused. Frowning, he rubbed the tainted skin before connecting our hands. "Rayne?" Looking at me briefly he gave me his attention. "If I'm in trouble- you'll find me right?" I asked, holding my breath.

My heart was pounding, competing with my lungs as they struggled to go without oxygen. His grip fastened around my hand. "Always." He stated, without the slightest hesitation. His certainty calmed me significantly, breathing again I leaned back into the seat. Watching the streets as we cut through them.

Arriving at the frat house I tended again. The street was littered with cars and drunken bodies, flooding in and out of the building. The music was so loud I could feel the vibrations through the car. Rayne and Joey slid into two vacant spots on the front lawn. Bodies plastered the windows. Informing me to remain seated, Rayne climbed out. Shoving people out of the way as he opened my door.

Handing him the leather jacket, I kept a firm hold on his arm as we shoved through the crowd. The building was splitting at the seams, dangerously over capacity. The atmosphere was the perfect camouflage for Mr Hale's warped intentions. He would surely take advantage of this opportunity. Leading us through the living space and into a good sized kitchen, Rayne left me with Joey and Macy.

Returning with drinks he handed one to Mace, informing her not to take anything unless it was given by him or Joey. Sipping on the bottle of Madori, Macy agreed. Holding out a plastic cup, "no alcohol." Leaning into my ear Rayne informed me that I wasn't drinking. I wasn't going to argue, the affects of my drunken adventure still hasn't warn completely. Confused I eyed his plastic glass, he wasn't drinking either. The gesture warmed me. Nobody had ever compromised for me before.

Guiding us out of the cramped space he led us to the backyard and the pool aspect of this party. My chest rose and fell taking in the flashing water, multi coloured lights pulses beneath the surface. Calm down... I told myself, focusing on settling my heart rate.

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