Rosalie shifted her position so her head was resting on the armrest, Jay's hand moving to her back to lightly scratch it. When they had completely crossed the magical barrier, they had officially entered the Isle of the Lost. "Ben, help me with the tarp." Carlos told Ben once he had collected the tarp from a dumpster. Rosalie watched tiredly, rubbing her eye with the back of her hand. The boys worked to cover the limo before Ben began to wander off, looking through a large pipe.

"Hey, what's in here?" Ben asked. Rosalie lead him away from the pipe. "I don't think we want to find out."

"Guys, chill. The last thing we need is our parents figuring out we're here." Carlos told Evie and Jay who nodded in response. Ben and Rosalie shared a look before they followed the VK's deeper into the Isle. Ben and Rosalie started to wander off, their curiosity getting the best of them. As Ben went to shake hands with a mean looking pirate, Rosalie went to let her eyes gaze over the alleyways that were filled with graffiti and the stench of rotten foods and rotten things that were most likely not foods. Evie pulled Ben back just as the pirate had growled at him, Carlos going towards the pirate but Jay holding him back. Carlos then went into the alley and grabbed Rosalie's wrist, pulling her back to their friends. "This one was already across the Isle." He said sarcastically.

Rosalie rolled her eyes. "Keep your hands in your pockets unless you're stealing." Jay advised. "You either slouch or strut." Carlos added.

"And never, ever smile." Evie finished. Ben went to thank Evie, but she quickly shut him down. "No. No thank yous and drop the please too. Just. . . chill." With that, she placed her arm on Ben's shoulder and nodded. "Let me tell you something you can really trust. Everybody's got a wicked side," she went to stand beside Jay and Carlos, "I know you think that you could never be like us. Watch and learn so you can get it right."

Rosalie and Ben stood behind as their friends dragged their feet. "You need to drag your feet!" They nodded their heads in a cool manner, Rosalie sticking her hands into her shorts pockets. "You need to nod your head. You need to lean back. Slip through the cracks. You need to not care."

"Uh, you need to not stare." Carlos flicked Ben's chin up.

"You need a whole lotta help. You need to not be yourself. You wanna be cool? Let me show you how. Need to break the rules. I can show you how. And once you catch this feeling. Yeah, once you catch this feeling," they motioned over their bodies with their hands, "You'll be chillin', chillin'. Oh! Chillin' like a villain. Chillin'. Chillin' like a villain. Chillin'. Chillin' like a villain." Ben tried to do the dance the VK's were doing, but ended up doing some kind of God awful dance moves.

"Hey! Chillin' like, chillin' like. Hey! A villain. You draw attention when you act like that," Evie sang to Ben when he had tried to grab something from a man right in front of his face, "Let us teach you how to disappear. You look like you would lose a fight to an alley cat. You gotta be wrong to get it right 'round here. You need to watch your back. You need to creep around. You need to slide real smooth." Ben tried to slide like the VK's, but ended up knocking over a metal trash can which made Rosalie sigh and shake her head. "Don't make a sound. And if you want it, take it. And you can't take it, break it! If you care about your health, seriously, you need to not be yourself."

Rosalie sat on the fence on the other side of Jay, leaning back with the VK's smoothly. "You wanna be cool. Let me show you how. Need to break the rules. I can show you how. And once you catch this feeling, yeah, once you catch this feeling you'll be chillin', chillin'. Oh! Chillin' like a villain. Chillin'. Chillin' like a villain," Jay and Rosalie turned their heads to look at one another as they danced, Jay sending Rosalie a wink before she turned his head like Evie had done to Ben, "Chillin'. Chillin' like."

"I really wanna be bad a lot. And I've giving it my best shot, but it's hard being what I'm not." Ben told the VK's and Rosalie. "Well, if you don't you're gonna get us caught." Carlos told him.

"He's right, we gotta stay low-key. Now show us how bad you two can be." Evie told Ben and Rosalie. Rosalie smirked, pulling out Carlos' wallet and Jay's beanie from her pockets. "Like this?" Carlos reached forward and snatched his wallet out of Rosalie's hands whilst Jay felt around for his beanie before he grabbed it from his girlfriend.

"Like this?" Ben asked, taking out Evie's sunglasses and placing them on his eyes and taking out Carlos' phone. Ben handed Evie her glasses back as Carlos took his phone from Ben's hands as he rolled his eyes.

"Oh, yeah, I think we got this." Rosalie nodded.

"Let's go, I'm ready to rock this. And I ain't gonna thank you for your help. I think we found the worst in ourselves." Ben sang as he and Rosalie did their handshake. Rosalie left to walk between Jay and Evie.

"You wanna be cool. Let me show you how! Need to break the rules, I can show you how. And once you catch this feeling, yeah, once you catch this feeling. You'll be chillin', chillin'. Oh! Chillin' like a villain. Chillin'. Chillin' like a villain! Chillin'. Chillin' like a villain! Chillin'. Chillin' like a villain! Chillin'. Hey! Chillin' like a villain!" Once they finished dancing, Jay twirled Rosie around, making her giggle.

          Ben then bumped into Gil, the son of Gaston. "Hey, man. Hey! Hey, I know you!" Gil exclaimed.

          "Uh, no. Don't know you, either, man." Ben said as the VK's and Rosalie jogged up to them.

          "Uh, yeah, you do. Come on, man. Really? Huh? Dude, I'll give you a hint. My dad is quick, slick and his neck. . . huh, is incredibly thick. Come on, man. I kn--" Gil's Eyes then trailed over to the poster behind Ben about the royal cotillion. "Huh? Huh. Huh? Huh. Oh! You're King Ben!" Gil said in realization. Jay hid Rosalie's face by standing in front of her.

          "Okay, let's go."

          "Yeah, yeah, you totally are King Ben, and you're J-Jay, Carlos, Evie. Hey, guys." Gil said as the teenagers walked away from him. His eyes then widened as he burst into a fit of giggles. "Oh, Uma's gonna love this!"

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