Stupid For You (Sal x Reader)

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Let's just pretend that the photo is high school aged Sal okay because I'm too lazy to change it...bear with me, I wrote this with writer's block and it's just meh.

Reader's POV

Some might say that the feeling of love is the greatest in the world; nothing can beat it, as though you have everything that you could ever ask for. A sense of belonging and a safe place in the heart of your significant other.

On the other hand, others know the dark side of love; how a person can fall for someone so toxic for them that they don't realise that they're being hurt, destroyed piece by piece until they have nothing left.

I, myself, have experienced this pain; I put my full trust in someone, only to be let down constantly. He hurt me, he used my love for him against me; leaving me vulnerable and damaged beyond repair. I lack a sense of trust in others, scared that the same may happen once again, when all I ask for is a person to care for me, to not put me last because they're used to being the priority.

My heart can't take any more destruction; I am broken and need fixing by someone who loves me for who I am, not what I make myself out to be.

If you're wondering why I am in this mess, you can blame the boy that I grew up with. He lived across the street, my bedroom window parallel with his. We were close – or that's what I believed at the time. He used to be my best friend...until we started high school. He no longer wanted to be associated with a girl such as myself.

I won't lie to you, it hurt to see him slowly slip away from my grasp, as though I was fading from his memory, not even being recognised as a person that he even knew. He would pass me in the hallways, his gaze never falling onto mine.

I had lost him.

His name, you may be wondering? Sal. My ability to move on from a friendship that I had been a part of since we were both five years old? Non-existent.

We were now in our senior year, Sal already eighteen, myself, just a few days to go until I was considered an adult in society's eyes. It had been over a week since Sal had given me even a glimpse of attention – which was merely his eyes watching over me, as I grabbed my books from my locker.

By this point, I had finally accepted the fact that Sal and I were no longer, no longer will we ever be so close again, what we once were was a distant memory. I was trying to move on from the friendship, but what made this whole ordeal ten times harder is a point that I have ceased to mention.

I loved him...more than a friend should.

I never told the boy how I felt, for I feared that he'd reject me, that I would be laughed at, and that he'd abandon me, which ended up happening anyway; so in either outcome, I had no chance of winning.

It was the end of lunchbreak, as I stood at my locker, sifting through my work to find the books that I needed for the afternoon's lessons – Mathematics and History. I was amidst my own thoughts, when I felt a presence form behind, with the faintest of shadows casting against my locker.

"Hey," I recognised that voice, and it belonged to the one person that I had grown to hate.

Keeping my head down, ignoring the boy, Sal cleared his throat in a second attempt at gaining my attention. "[Y/N], come on...answer me."

I maintained an emotionless expression across my face, but inside, I could feel a sharp pain in my chest. It hurt to hear the tender tone to his voice, one that had changed so drastically since we had last hung out together, yet it still held the same warmth.

Sal sighed deeply, as he moved to lean back against the locker to my left; his hands stuffed into his pants pockets, with his black and navy blue letterman jacket hanging loosely from his shoulders.

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