Penny Quinn

808 17 8

Request sent privately.

Inspired by Friends because that show is everything (besides IJ of course).

Third Person POV

Penny was just unpacking the last of her boxes, when her much older brother, Q, entered the room. He leant against the doorframe, folding his arms, as he smiled at his sister.

"How are you getting on, Pen?" He asked. Penny looked at him from across the room, as she pointed at the five remaining boxes of stuff. He nodded his head, before moving into the room. Q lifted one of the boxes onto her bed, as he started to unpack her belongings. "It's going to be weird living with your annoying ass again." He chuckled.

"Shut up, Q. Blame Ma and Pa for getting divorced. Besides, you offered to let me stay here, you dope. You love me really. I mean, what would you do without your little sister in your life, huh?" She retorted. Q rolled his eyes, as he continued to empty out the box on the bed.

"Never could take a joke, could you?" Penny shook her head, as a slight giggle escaped her lips. The pair of them put away the last few items, when Q's phone started to ring. He pulled the device out of his back pocket, holding it up to his ear. "Yeah...Yeah, okay. I'll be there by 6, Joe. Sal won't know what we're doing...unless...hold on a minute." Q spoke into the phone, before placing a hand over the receiver, looking across to Penny. "You fancy keeping Sal company for the night? Otherwise, he'll keep pestering us to tell him what's going on with his punishment that we're planning."

"Sure, I don't mind." Penny smiled small. Q nodded, as he returned to his call with Joe. Penny had acted as though it wasn't a big deal to her, but deep down inside, her stomach was filled with butterflies. The truth is that she's always loved Q's friends, but there was always a much stronger connection to Sal. He had always been there for her whenever she had fallen out with Q. If it were to get out that she liked Sal, Q would absolutely kill her, and never speak to her, or Sal for that matter, ever again. Where she was so much younger than him, he had always been very protective over her, any boyfriend she had ever had were always intimidated by the presence of Q. He didn't mean any harm, he just wanted to make sure that they were treating her right, because to him, she deserved the whole world.

That evening, Q dropped Penny off at Sal's house, before speeding off to Joe's, in order to plan Sal's upcoming punishment. Penny sauntered to the door, raising her hand up to knock. She froze in her spot, the sudden panic overwhelming her. What if she were to embarrass herself? He'd never let her live it down. Or what if she let it slip about her feelings for him, and Q found out? Penny was knocked out of her thoughts, as the front door swung open. She chuckled nervously, as she came face-to-face with the man that she couldn't have. Sal smiled a toothless grin.

"Hey, Penny! God, I haven't seen you since, well, it must be at least three years ago now. How have you been?" He invited her inside, leading her to the living room, as she took a seat on his sofa. Sal sat opposite her, as he listened to her talk intently.

"Aside from my parents getting divorced, finding out my boyfriend cheated on me, and having to live with Q...I'd say I'm good. How are you?" She chuckled nervously. Sal looked at her sincerely, before sitting forward, placing a hand to her thigh.

"Shit, I'm sorry...I never should have asked. But I've been good, the show is really starting to grow!" He gritted his teeth, before slowly standing up from the sofa, and pointing his finger at her. "You want a drink or anything?"

"Please...what's the strongest drink you have?" She laughed. Sal laced his eyebrows together, pondering on whether she was being serious or not. He opened his mouth to talk, before closing it again. His hand rose up to the back of his head, as he scratched it in thought.

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