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All of their costumes that inspired these short stories are in the photo above :).


"Honey!" You heard Joe call out from up the stairs.

"Yes, Joey?"

"Can you close your eyes a second? I've tried on my Halloween costume and I want to surprise you." You rolled your eyes, as you held your hands up, blindfolding yourself, as you heard his footsteps crawl down the steps. There was a creak from the living room door, as the sound of Joe tiptoeing around the room seeped into your ears.

"Joe, I swear if you're naked I'm divorcing you." You commented, hearing Joe's sweet chuckle follow.

"Oh come on, [Y/N], you know I only did that as a joke once."

"Try three times, Joe." You snickered.

"Just shush and open your eyes." Joe spoke.

You cautiously lowered your hands, your eyes squeezed shut, as you slowly opened one eye, before the other one followed suit. You looked him up and down, as he posed in his costume. Stood there, on the coffee table, Joe was dressed as Captain Fatbelly, posing in his superhero stance. He was lunging forward on one leg, with a hand on his hip and his other making a fist in the air.

"So...what d'ya think?" He asked, using his baby blue eyes to stare into yours.

"I-I...wow..." You stammered, as Joe confidently nodded his head.

"I'm so hot that you're speechless right?" He commented with a wink of his eye.

"You keep believing that, Babe." You chuckled, pulling him down onto the couch and placing a soft kiss to his lips.


You were just returning home from a day's work, entering into the house and slipping your shoes off. You were aware that your boyfriend, Murray, was home, as the lights were on. You clambered your way up the stairs, stepping into your bedroom. Through the crack, you could see a figure stood behind the door. Instantly, you knew that it was him. He always did this kind of thing around Halloween time. You rolled your eyes, the dorkiness of this guy was too much for you to handle. Walking into the room, you knew that he could pounce at any minute.

"Murray?" You called out, pretending to look for him, as you heard him stifle a giggle from behind the door. You shook your head, standing at the end of the bed, as you unpacked your bag.

Five minutes had passed, and Murr still hadn't made his appearance. You grabbed your phone, moving to lay down on the bed, as you scrolled through your messages. The faint sound of the door being pushed to seeped its way into your ears.

"Mwhahaha-!" Murray started to do his evil laugh, causing you to not flinch in the slightest.

"Hi, James." You commented, rolling over to look at him with a smile. Murray was dressed as a vampire, with false fangs and a dark suit, alongside a red waistcoat. He dropped his arms, defeated.

"How'd you know it was me?" He whined, pouting out his lips sadly.

"Because I could see you through the doorway." You chuckled, watching as he smacked his hand against his head.

"Ah, damnit!" He called out, frustrated with himself. "I will get you one of these days, [Y/N]!"

You giggled aloud, as you pulled him by his tie onto the bed, kissing him gingerly.


The TV played out, as you and Q laid on the bed together, having a horror movie marathon. He patted at your thigh, excusing himself to the bathroom, as you kept the film running. Friday the 13th was playing, and it was safe to say that you were absolutely terrified.

"Argh, fuck!" You screamed out, as Jason appeared on the screen. With that, the lights, along with the television, shut off, leaving you in pitch black darkness. Your body started to shake, as you searched for your phone, looking for any source of light possible, but to no avail. "Br-Brian?" You whimpered, wanting him to comfort you and make you feel safe.

You heard the roar of a chainsaw come from down the end of the hallway, as you squinted your eyes, trying to work out the figure. The lights flashed on for a split second, casting the shadow of a figure into the room. The figure was stood, holding the chainsaw up in the air. You choked back a breath, as you heard footsteps sprint towards you. There was another roar of the chainsaw, as the bedroom door was slammed against the wall.

"No, no, no! Please no!" You cried out, screaming at the top of your lungs. You grabbed a hold of the pillows, protecting yourself with anything you could get your hands on. The bedroom lights turned on, as the figure stood there, with a blood covered hockey mask on, letting the chainsaw race.

Silence soon filled the room, as the figure started to laugh. He raised his hand up to the mask, pushing it up to rest on top of his head, revealing Q. Your face soon changed from pure fright to a scowl.

"You asshole! That's not funny!" You shouted, as Q dropped the chainsaw to the floor and made his way over to the bed. He sat to your side, trying to comfort you, as you slapped his hand away.

"I'm sorry, Baby. But my God, your face!" He chuckled, slapping at his own thigh.

"I hate you sometimes." You sulked. Q pouted out his lower lip, looking at you with his puppy dog eyes. He knew that you couldn't stay mad at him for long, as he leaned forward, placing a kiss to your cheek.

"And I love you too." He commented, with a cheeky smile across his face.


Sal came running into the living room, as you sat on the sofa reading. You lowered the book, to look up at your overly excited husband. He jumped on the spot, a big smile sweeping its way across his face.

"Babe! Babe! [Y/N]! Babe!" He pestered, causing you to giggle.

"What, Sal?" You asked, placing the bookmark onto your page, and closing the book.

"I have the best costume for Halloween this year! Wanna see?" He asked, nodding his head eagerly. You rolled your eyes, still in disbelief at how you married such a wonderful goofball.

"Go on then." You replied, watching as Sal raced out of the room, soon returning in his outfit.

He stood in front of you, dressed from head to toe as a bog monster. You looked him up and down, laughing aloud. Sal posed in different ways, shouting the word 'boom' with every stance. He gestured at his outfit, raising his eyebrows.

"Huhhh? What do you think of it?" He asked, awaiting your truthful response. Your eyebrows laced together, causing the smile on his face to fade away slowly. "W-What?"

"It's just not very scary..." You commented.

Sal pondered on your words for a few seconds, before jumping into a stance. He crouched down, waving his arms about, as he rocked his body from side to side, desperate to make you change your mind on his costume.

"Ooh!" He howled in a ghostly tone, as you gave him a disapproved look. He stood back up, dropping his arms down, as he sighed. "It's not good is it?"

"Needs work, I must admit." You giggled.

Sal tutted, before moving to take a seat beside you on the sofa. You leaned into his chest, as he wrapped an arm around your shoulders. You looked up at him, a smirk plastered onto your face.

"You know, it would be much better without any costume at all..." You spoke, as Sal raised an eyebrow.

"Oh yeah?" He smirked, his tone of voice suggestive and flirtatious, as he placed a short but sweet kiss to your lips.

Happy Halloween y'all!

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