Attack of the Undead (Sal x Reader)

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Based on a dream I had yada, yada, yada...

Reader's POV

Scientists had predicted for this to happen years ago, but no one ever believed them...the fools. I, however, knew that this day would come. I was prepared for it, unlike everyone else on Earth it seems.

A zombie apocalypse, a matter of life or death. In the past few months, I had lost my entire family, my circle of friends were all dead, diseased or missing. I would be searching for them, but at these desperate times, you need to fend for yourself and yourself only at that. You can't trust anyone, they could easily be diseased without even knowing it themselves.

One person I did miss however, was my boyfriend, Sal. I haven't seen him since the day that the virus broke out, he went into hiding and I have no clue whether he's alive or not. Who am I kidding, he's probably just as alive as everyone else. It's just me in this apocalyptic dump.

I had set up camp in an abandoned factory, with everything that I needed to survive; medication kits, guns galore and most importantly, food. I wore a strip of hand grenades over my front, with two STG44s strapped to my back that were running low on ammunition. Looking over my collection of weapons that I had scavenged for through the no man's land that I used to call home, I smiled to myself. I had managed to fight off a lot of zombies, some that I used to know as friends, who were now no more than mindless walking rotten flesh.

Rummaging through my collection, I refilled my ammo, making sure that my clips were full to the limit on all of my weapons, from my crossbow to my assault rifles. Before any of this whole ordeal had happened, I had been reading up on the best guns to use in such a situation, so it was safe to say that I knew my way around surviving. I was prepared to fight for my life if need be.

Just as I was clipping in a full magazine into my Type 100, I heard a bang come from the other side of the factory door. My first instinct was to grab what I could, as I threw my M1903 sniper rifle into my back pack, along with my combat shotgun and anything else that I could fit in. I took one of my STG44s in my hands, bringing the rifle up to peer down sight towards the double doors across from me. My forefinger was ready and waiting to pull at the trigger, when the door swung open, causing a group of zombies to pour through the hole in the wall. My breath caught in my throat, I had faced plenty of the damn things before, but never this many at once. I was in trouble.

Retrieving a hand grenade from its holder, I pulled the pin with my teeth, before throwing the detonator into the centre of the group. I didn't waste any time to see what happens, as I sprinted from my place, climbing up the structure of the building to the roof, knowing that there was a hole in the ceiling for me to escape through.

I peered down just before exiting, seeing the aftermath of my grenade, as blood and body parts smothered the floor. A grimace played on my lips, as I slipped through the hole in the roof, pulling myself up. Walking my way over to the edge, I peered down to the street below, seeing zombies traipsing in every which way. If I was ever going to survive this round, I had to travel from building to building, which wasn't going to be easy at all.

I mounted my sniper rifle up onto the edge of the rooftop, before peering through the scope. I knew how many bullets I had left, and I could not afford to waste any of my shots. Clipping the suppressor onto the front, I lined up my reticle with my target, my finger twitching over the trigger. I held my breath, as I took the shot, watching through the lens, as the bullet ripped through four zombies, killing them instantly.

Looking across the street, I saw a sturdier building that would be much safer for me to set up camp once again. I tugged the grappling hook that was clipped to my belt, soon throwing it ahead of me, not with any success of course. I pulled the rope back up, before trying once again, this time with the hook catching the edge of the rooftop. I tied the rope up, checking multiple times that it was secure, before grabbing the rest of my belongings.

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