I'm Fine (angst)

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     Lance walked through the hallway, bags hanging from his now dull blue eyes. When was the last time he slept? Still, he kept a stupid grin plastered on his face as he walked into the dining room.

"Lance you're late again", Allura scolded.

Lance was too tired to respond. He didn't do his usual finger guns or complain about beauty sleep. He just....sat down.

"Lance, are you okay", Hunk asked. Always the kind one.

"I'm fine, Hunk."

Now everyone was looking at him, a tad bit of concern in their faces.

"Are you sure", Shiro asked.

Lance looked up. "I said I'm fine", a little but of edge in his voice.

Everyone quickly looked away and ate their breakfast in silence.

Keith's POV
What's wrong with Lance? Why is there bags under his eyes? Why did he not flirt with Allura this morning? Why is he not talking?

Does no one else notice this?

Why is Lance not being himself? He's acting way too much........like me.
Breakfast ended and Allura said we had a few varga (hours) to ourselves before training.
Lance was the first one out of the room. Why did he leave so quickly?

I looked at his plate. He didn't even touch his food.

Is Lance okay?

Ah who cares? He's being over dramatic, as usual.

Lance's POV
I'm pretty sure no one noticed the bags under my eyes at breakfast. That was way too fucking close though. I can't forget to put on my makeup like that ever again.
    After breakfast I hurried to the bathroom, I've got to cover up these bags. After I apply the foundation I stare at my hideous face in the mirror.

Piece of shit

You'll never be anything

Kill yourself now

Before I know it, I'm reaching for the box of razors and pulling out a shining silver blade. I pull up my sleeve, ready to cut for the second time today.

Keith's POV
Why am I so worried about him? It's not like anything bad is happening to him.

Regardless, I should go check on him. It's what a good teammate would do.

I approach Lance's door and knock on it.

I hear metal fall and scrambling around. What the fuck did he drop?

Lance opens the door in his usual long sleeve shirt and jacket.

But his hair is messy.

His eyes are bloodshot and have bags hanging under them.

It looks like he was crying.

"Lance are you alright? You weren't acting normal at breakfast."

"I'm fine."

"I don't believe you", I replied.

He flinched at my words. I pushed my way into his room, regardless of his attempts to stop me.

"Lance what did you drop before I knocked on the door?"

His face paled. "Um....I don't...know what you're t-talking about", he said flustered.

I raise an eyebrow. I look at the floor. It's carpeted so he couldn't have dropped anything on the floor.

Then I see the light shining from the bathroom. I quickly walk over there. Lance attempts to pull me back but he fails. I open the door to a horrific sight.

A single razor blade coated in blood, surrounded by blood all over the sink and floor.
My eyes widen. "Lance give me your arm", I say, realisation hitting me in the head.
Lance backs away and clutches his arm. He shakes his head rapidly.

     I advance towards him and he has no where left to run. I grab him and pull up his sleeve. Lance screams and writhes in my grasp. My heart plummeted at the sight.

Hundreds. Hundreds of cuts up and down his arm. How long had he been doing this? Why was he doing this?! Lance was supposed to be the happy ray of sunshine!

Tears filled in my eyes as I looked at him, my grip fading. Lance wrenched his arm away from me.

"L-lance why? W-why didn't you s-say you were s-suicidal", I say through tears.

Lance chuckles.

"I already told you Keith", he starts.

"I'm fine."

Should I do a part two? Should I not? I'm not sure. What do y'all think? Comment and let me know....

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