RWBY Volume 2, Chapter 1: Best Day Ever | Rooster Teeth

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All rights for RWBY go to Rooster Teeth.

This is a Fan based parody.

I will be using Italicization for people's inner thoughts.

Hints towards Whiterose and Bumbleby will continue in this chapter so enjoy.

Naomi and Rachel from previous volume/chapters will be in this chapter.

In The Vale*

The store 'From Dust Till Dawn' was being re-opened.

The old man who runs the store climbed off his latter and fell to the ground.

A girl walking by laughed a little and helped him up.

She than asked him if he could point her in the direction of a shop she was looking for.

He than pointed in a certain direction and she walked off.

She walked by and alley way and a boy said "I knew you were lost.".

She stopped and walked up to him and said "Mercury! I will seriously pay you to shut up.".

She than offered Mercury some card.

Mercury than said "That's not your money."

She than said "But it could be yours for five minutes of silence.".

Mercury than said "Mmm... No deal.".

The girl than said "Hmph. Fine."

She than walked away.

Mercury than said "Whatever. You want me.".

He than started to follow her.

They walked around the town for a little bit.

Mercury than asked "So how much farther?".

The girl than said "A few blocks.".

Mercury than said "Uhh, this place is so dull.".

The girl than said "I kinda like it. Tall buildings, diverse culture.".

Mercury than said "And nice, dopey people who are easy to pickpocket.".

The girl than said "That's every city.".

They than stopped walking.

Mercury than said "Oh Emerald! Master Thief! Please don't take my money! I barely have enough to get by!".

Emerald than gave him a dirty look and walked away.

Mercury than started to follow the girl. 

Mercury than said "Your no fun today.".

They both than entered a bookstore.

Emerald than rang the bell.

A man than said "Be right there!".

A man then stepped out of the back room with stacks of books in his hands.

The man than said "Welcome to Tukson's Book Trade! Home to every book under the sun.".

He than set the stacks of books down.

He than stood behind the counter.

He than asked "How may --uh...How may I help you?".

Mercury than said "Just browsing.".

Emerald than said "Actually, I was wondering, do you have any copies of 'The Thief and the Butcher'?".

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